Today's Prayers... April... 24th... 2023... MONDAY... JESUS - The Bible's GOD - keep on sending YOURSELF, more than ever before, plenty of HORDES of Angels from HEAVEN on our favor, ORDERING the evil people for DO leave us all alone in peace forevermore, and that the evil people OBEY...
Today's Prayers... April... 2023... SUNDAY... JESUS - The Bible's GOD - CURE us and the people praying YOU asking for their healing... heal us DOING YOUR MIRACLE giving us YOUR cure ASAP... we are so in need of YOUR cure... please... DO the same for all those praying YOU about it... JESUS...
Today's Prayers... April... 21st... 2023... FRIDAY... Thank YOU all praying these posts here... each prayer for JESUS counts... 🙏🏽 JESUS - The Bible's GOD - FRUSTRATE ONCE AND FOR ALL forevermore, all plans against us, please JESUS MATERIALISE YOURSELF right in front of the evil people...
Today's Prayers... April... 20th... 2023... THURSDAY... JESUS - The Bible's GOD - please take away from us ALL ILLNESSES + DISEASES that DO NOT come from YOU ( JESUS )... heal us ASAP please... FRUSTRATE ONCE AND FOR ALL forevermore, all plans against us, defend us by appearing to the evil...
Today's Prayers... April... 19th... 2023... WEDNESDAY... JESUS - The Bible's GOD - more than ever before, keep sending YOURSELF plenty of HORDES of Angels from HEAVEN on our favour, ORDERING the evil people for DO leave us all alone in peace forevermore, and the evil people OBEY... Wide open the...
Today's Prayers... April... 18th... 2023.. TUESDAY Thanks for YOUR prayers... keep on praying... JESUS - The Bible's GOD - please PRECLUDE ONCE AND ALL forevermore, the plans against us all at it's origin... meaning... when someone starts thinking about something like so, please JESUS stand...
Today's Prayers... April... 17th... 2023... MONDAY... Thanks for all already praying the posts here... including mine... JESUS send more people to engage / join these prayers... JESUS - The Bible's GOD - more than ever before, keep sending YOURSELF plenty of HORDES of Angels from HEAVEN on our...
Today's Prayers... April... 14th... 2023... FRIDAY... JESUS - The Bible's GOD - PRECLUDE ONCE AND FOR ALL... all plans against us at it's origin... meaning... when someone starts thinking about something like so, please JESUS stand still right in front of us FORBIDDING anything like that going...
Today's Prayers... April... 12th... 2023... WEDNESDAY... JESUS - The Bible's GOD - FULL RESTORE + COMPLETE HEAL for all areas of our lives... PRECLUDE ONCE AND FOR ALL tha plans against us... IMMEDIATELY change all into our favour FRUSTRATING ONCE AND FOR ALL the plans against us... Keep...
Today's Prayers... April... 11th... 2023... TUESDAY... May JESUS - The Bible's GOD - give us loads of HEALTH... and : JESUS - The Bible's GOD - PRECLUDE ONCE AND FOR ALL... all plans against us at it's origin... meaning... when someone starts thinking about something like so, please JESUS stand...
Today's Prayers... April... 10th... 2023... MONDAY... Thanks for all YOUR prayers this weekend... keep on praying... it really makes the difference... JESUS keep sending more people to pray, thanks for all already engaged in praying for: JESUS - The Bible's GOD - more than ever before, keep...
Lord protect me from my evil verbaly and phisically abusive neighbour. He threatens me with sexual assaults because i ask him to stop with noise in unconvinient times, i dont know how many times. I consider the possibility to sue him for insulting and threatening because it lasts for years. I...
Today's Prayers... April... 7th... 2023... FRIDAY... Please... IF YOU are reading and praying about these post I've been posting... please INTENSIFY YOUR prayers to JESUS about it... at least up until MONDAY... JESUS - The Bible's GOD - thanks for all already praying these prayers posted, keep...
Today's Prayers... April... 6th... 2023... THURSDAY... Intensify the prayers... because the evil people will have series of events about to happen... starting TODAY up until SUNDAY... please pray JESUS - The Bible's GOD - for FRUSTATING all plans against us here... pray JESUS for IMMEDIATELY...
Today's Prayers... April... 5th... 2023... WEDNESDAY... JESUS - The Bible's GOD - PRECLUDE ONCE AND FOR all the plans against us at it's origin... meaning... when someone starts thinking about something like so, please JESUS stand still right in front of us FORBIDDING anything like that going...
Today's Prayers... April... 4th... 2023... TUESDAY Still need EVEN MORE praying... JESUS - The Bible's GOD - PRECLUDE ONCE AND FOR all the plans against us at it's origin... meaning... when someone starts thinking about something like so, please JESUS stand still right in front of us FORBIDDING...
Today's Prayers... April... 3rd... 2023... MONDAY... JESUS - The Bible's GOD - thanks for all already praying these prayers posted, keep sending more people for praying for: JESUS, keep sending YOURSELF, more than ever before, plenty of HORDES of Angels from HEAVEN in our favour, ORDERING the...
I want God to bless me with wealth so that when I speak to people to increase God's kingdom they will listen to me, I want God to give me divine connection.i want God to give me wisdom,gift of prophecy and protection from evil people in Jesus name Amen...
Today's Prayers... April... 1st... 2023... SATURDAY JESUS - The Bible's GOD - Wide open the eyes and ears of the evil people for SEEING and HEARING, INDEED, 24/7, all YOUR Angels in our favour, wherever the evil people are ( even if separated from each other in different places ) + whatever the...