No lateness of the train.
Coming with the train not cab or other vehicle.
To be exactly at 7.20 am in a teachers room.
No principle to spread evil energies.
No noise or bad smells in or around the train
No cigarettes, shouting, to loud talking, noise of cellphones, ringing, you tube, tiktok...
No lateness of the train.
Me on time for work.
Exactly at 7.20 am in a teachers room.
No principle to watch over us and spread evil energies.
Or anyone to see me or repprt me.
Me today very sucessfull in everything i do...
Me on time for work.
No.lateness of the train in both directions.
Exactly at 7.20 am in a teachers room.
No principle to watch over us and her evil energies.
Normal stomach acid
No diarrhea.
Perfecr diggestion.
Healing from virus (breathing and diggestive system).
No noise in my neighbourhood.
No noise in my area.
No cars with engine on.
No loud conversations infront of my building.
PLEASE NO FLASHING LIGHTS ON THE BALCONY OF MY NEIGHBOUR. It wakes me.up because it flashes through my whole room. Lord protect my sleep.
Also Lord let me wake up on time...
No lateness of the train!!!
Me on time for work.
Exactly at 7.20 am in a teacher's room.
No principle to watch over us or spread evil energies.
To resolve the issue of internet on my cell phone. I don't have it in the moment
No lateness of the train.
Me on time for work - to be in a teachers room at 12.50 pm.
No principle to watch over us and her evil energies.
No diarrhea or any other symptoms.
No stomach flue/virus or whatever it is.
No irritatiin/itchiness in my breathing or diggestive tubes.
No problems with...
No lateness of the train.
Me on time for work.
Exactly at 7.20 am in a teachers room.
No principle or her evil energies to watch over us.
No noise or irritation in the train. Of any kind.
No smoke of the cigarette inside or outside of the train.
I feel like i have some kind of...
No lateness of the train.
Me on time for work.
Exactly at 7.20 am in a teachers room.
No principle and her evil energies to control us in Jesus name.
Control worker in the train - favor - i forgot to bie a monthly ticket. No getting money penalty or be forced to buy one way ticket
No noise in...
No.lateness of the train tomorrow morning.
Me on time for work. Exactly at 7.20 am in the classroom. No.principle to watch over us. No evil energies from her.
Successful day tomorrow in every way.
Lovely day.
Happy day.
Amazing day.
Especially concerning my work as a teacher.
The last two...
Lord i need guidance where to buy what. Mostly clothes. I am fed up with evil energies of sellers and scarce choice of clothe and high prices. Other people are noticing difficult circstances in our country to. Lord bless me and guide me in this mess Jesus name. Like the devil is blocking my...
No lateness of the train.
To be exactly at 7.20 am in a teachers room or even earlier.
No cab. Only train.
No princiole in a teachers room or anywhere else to control us/watch over us or any evil energies from her or anyone else.
Super efficient today with my pupils/classes. Peace, dilligence...
country: croatia
hand bag
last 2 months
new bag
peace dilligence motivation
perfect collaboration
pupils classes
shopping malls
teachers room
No lateness of the train.
Me on time for work
No cab but train using.
To be exactly at 7.20 am in a teachers room.
No controll of the principle or her evil energies.
No noise in the train
No shouting - mostly pupils
No walking up and down up and down.
No loud cell phones especially music
No.very loud talking or laughing.
No evil energies.
No aggression
Lord please bring to senses those railway company managers.
Pupils are standing in the train because there...
My neighbour makes noise. Walks like bear. Its irritating.
Also pray for other kinds of noises.
Also no diggestive issues. Normal.atomach acid. No diarrhea or unease in my abdomen.
Tomorrow - the train - no lateness. No control of the principle over me and other employees if we are late. No...
No lateness of my train.
Me arriving exactly on time for work - 7.20 in a classroom (according to the a classroom which is bit ahead).
No principle to controll us.
No evil energies throughr her words deeds face expressions. Amen.
CompletePeace in and around the train.
No.smoking in or around the rrain or at the station. Especially not around me.
Arriving exactly on time at work..Even before 7.20. (According to the clock at work which 2 min early).
PROTECTION everywhere.
Success and prosperity in every area of my life...
Please pray for me i am 40 years divorced lady, staying alone in a flat which is full of evil energies and i have suffered a lot spc. In my periods, job, and not getting married again
No bloating of my stomach. Easy breathing.
No sunburns. I am on my beach hollydays.
No noise in or around my appartement. Lately there is like noise attack on me. Day and night. Cars trucks sirenes crazy people alcoholics under my balcony gasoline smells etc.
Fully enjoying my summer...
balcony gasoline smells
beach holidays
country: croatia
crazy people alcoholics
evilenergiesevil plans
general correction
night cars trucks
social media
summer holidays
Normal not strong stomach acid. No nausea, pain or tension in my stomach or anywhere in my body
No pain in my hipp/leg.
Protection from any evil today. People, pupils, principle, evil energies...
No bloating.
Relaxed body.
Normal stomach acid.
Excellent diggestion.
Deep sweet sufficient sleep.
No noise or evil energies from neighbours.
This summer : That the Lord will lead me quickly easily effortlesly to my dream destination (I am not where exactly). 3-4 weeks at the seacoast for fun...