everlasting love

  1. BrotherWoodridge

    He is still shining all around us.

    Tears run down our faces as we face eternity with Jesus. I am undone o Lord. I am lost in Thee alone. That this holy Father who love us with an everlasting love comes to us and fill us with His spirit of love, mercy and compassion. He is showing Himself to everyone who comes before Him with...
  2. TeacherLandis

    I shall know Him for sure..

    There is a voice inside of everyone of us who love the Lord. I am with you always. Who is speaking to us? So loud and so clear? He whispers all day long and even at night He wakes us up to say. I love You with an everlasting love. I feel that this is the voice of God speaking to all of...
  3. BrotherWinslow

    How to be grateful to God.

    Our wonderful and merciful Father deserves a celebration of praise for what He has done and He is doing today to the lives of those He touched. You are worthy of respect and admiration o God, Your holy presence continues to be with those who love Your name and want to serve and follow You all...
  4. Urbanowski

    Soar above the mountains with the Lord.

    Great is the Lord and worthy of glory, Great is our God who has chosen us to be His very own. He love us with an everlasting love and cares for us. So, let us all soar above the mountains and fly above the plains. Jesus will lift up our spirits to glorify His holy name. Forge your bond with...
  5. Inverness

    What was Jesus last command?

    A beautiful command Jesus gave to all of us who love Him with all our heart, mind and soul. Hoping we are obeying what He said. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations... teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even unto the ends of...
  6. Oglonian

    God blessings and divine protection upon us ...

    God blessings and divine protection upon us and our family always. Lord send Jeremiah’s to remind the USA that God indeed loved us with an everlasting love and it would be His lovingkindness that would draw us back to Him. The nation would be rebuilt, and the hearts of His people restored.That...
  7. Hermath

    Who are we before the Lord?

    We are children of the living God and He is our eternal Father who love us with an everlasting love. We were wonderfully made, all done in the image of God the Father. We are precious in His sight. Before we were born God knew us and chosen us to be His very own. Praise Him, adore Him, honor...
  8. Gifnua

    God please I want my husband to ...

    God please I want my husband to be healthy and give us peace of mind in my marriage. I pray for God to help me fulfill my destiny. I pray for fruit of the womb and everlasting love in my marriage.. I pray for financial breakthrough in my family. I pray for favor upon my business and my husbands...
  9. Alexis Maxwell

    Freedom for Alex

    Father thank you for your everlasting love for me and my children Alex and Ashley. Yahweh today I come to you for your saving grace for my son Alex. Lord touch my son Alex today. Give him a second chance to be free from bondage like you freed Peter. Lord he is in danger with his life. He's being...
  10. Veronicah

    High and lifted up.

    What a beautiful vision Isaiah had. Jesus enthroned and full of glory. We need to have this experience in our own personal life. Jesus wants us to be happy and joyful till He comes back to earth to take us all home to heaven. I saw the Lord high and lifte up, seated on a throne, and the...
  11. Bramington

    Jesus gave me this wonderful gift today.

    It was a beautiful thought Jesus brought to me this morning. He woke me up in the middle of the night and said. I love you with an everlasting love. Then this song was sung in my soul.... Jesus, what a wonder You are. You are so gentle, so pure and so kind. You shine like a morning...
  12. Original Chanel

    Prayer for Peace&Prosperity

    Father we give you thanks for Your everlasting love. God we worship You &adore You. Let there be peace in our hearts and spirits. Father continue to provide for Your children. Remember those who have now been placed in unfortunate circumstances. Help them to overcome these trials in Jesus name...
  13. Remol

    Long live and prosperity Financial open doors ...

    Long live and prosperity Financial open doors Everlasting love in my relationship God’s protection and wisdom I reject every spirit of fear Fruitfulness in all aspect
  14. Remol

    Long live and prosperity Financial open doors ...

    Long live and prosperity Financial open doors Everlasting love in my relationship God’s protection and wisdom I reject every spirit of fear Fruitfulness in all aspect
  15. Reuthya

    Pray for my true intentions

    Dear prayer warriors, Kindly pray for my pure intentions. 1. Pray for my family, my parents especially may god prevail his love between them . May god give them understanding and heart to love each other despite of their opinion differences. May god binds them again in his everlasting love. May...
  16. Reuthya

    Dear prayer warriors, Kindly pray for my ...

    Dear prayer warriors, Kindly pray for my pure intentions. 1. Pray for my family, my parents especially may god prevail his love between them . May god give them understanding and heart to love each other despite of their opinion differences. May god binds them again in his everlasting love. May...
  17. Maltesse

    Be good to people wherever you are.

    Jesus loved people. Wherever He went crowds followed Him. They were hungry to see and hear what Jesus wanted to say. The lame, the blind, those who were possesed with evil spirits were healed and delivered from their torment. Jesus loved us with an everlasting love and cares for us. He...
  18. Jefferson

    Looking at our future.

    Let us all remember that every sunset give us one day less to live for Jesus. Every sunrise give us hope to be a blessing to everyone we find wherever we are. Let us use our time and our talent to serve the Lord, what He has given us we mus share with others. When I stand before God at the...
  19. Ravuxtan

    1.I want God to give us financial ...

    1.I want God to give us financial breakthrough to pay up our debts 2.I want God to give my husband and myself a very good job. .I want God to bless my God with triplets as my birthday gift 3. I want God to blind any evil woman 4.I want God to provide a car for my husband 5. I Want God to bless...
  20. Articles

    Today's Verse - Luke 12:23 (KJV)

    The life is more than meat, and the body is more than raiment. —Luke 12:23 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... In the rush of the holiday season and the grab at getting and giving gifts, it is very important to remember that life is much more than even the most basic things we think we need...
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