everlasting love

  1. Jamprule

    End sem examination

    Jesus I have my cloud computing end term exam today help me do my exam well and answer all the question with your confidence and grace ……help me score the maximum marks dear lord with your everlasting love support me Jesus Christ amen
  2. Beverlie

    Alive and well, living in the holy ...

    Alive and well, living in the holy presence of Jesus. Let us all raise our hope and our eyes to Him who love us with an everlasting love and cares for all of us. He knows our need and our desires. He will send blessings and help to those who need Him. Please pray that I will be healed and live...
  3. SisterMaryLou

    Lifting our hands and say I love You.

    This is really a great time to be honest with the Lord Jesus who love us with an everlasting love, He really cares for us. Not only our hands should be lifted up to our dear Lord, but our heart and mind and say... I sing praises to Your name o Lord, praises to Your name o Lord, for Your name...
  4. Charity

    When can we hear the voice of the Lord?

    For sure, Gods voice travel with the wind, it comes around when we are not even aware of it. Like a scream on the mountains we can hear clearly a heavenly voice coming to our ears. Like an eagle with an expanded wings we can see and feel the celestial embrace of Him who love us with an...
  5. danielag29

    Heavenly Father I thank you for your ...

    Heavenly Father I thank you for your everlasting love. I ask for healing of the severe pain on my neck and shoulders, please heal me from the nausea and pain. In Jesus Holy name I pray amen.
  6. Deerfield

    Sky, forest and the sea reveals the greatness of the Lord.

    I kept asking the Lord this wonderful question. Why continue to bless those who work for Thee? He said to me. I will bless those who honor Me and obey My word. When He tells you to do something for eternal purposes, be ready to do it with a humble heart, knowing that it is important to obey...
  7. DeaconSummerville

    Do you long to know the glory of the Lord?

    I do. I want to see the smiling face of the Lord Jesus waiting for me and for those who were faithful and true to His word while living on earth. They really knew the reason why they were sent to this planet, that is to be a blessing to everyone, to read His word on a daily basis, to speak to...
  8. Giselle

    Lifting up my hands before the Lord.

    He touched me and o the joy that floods my soul, something happened and now I know, He touched me and made me whole. Yes, we need the touch of the Master, this is a heavenly touch that will make us all realize we are children of an everlasting Father who love us with an everlasting love and...
  9. BrotherDilbeck

    Let us all fill the heavens with sweet accord.

    Gods word clearly tell us on Psalm 50 to praise, to honor and to glorify the Lord while we have breath and while God give us life. Memorize this chapter, believe every word it says. Praise Him with sounds of the trumphet, praise Him with the harp and lyre, praise Him with timbrel and dancing...
  10. Anterberg

    Jesus calling us. Draw nigh to Me..

    Drawing near to the heart of God is a wonderful gift that has come to us from heaven above. It is our daily choice to have a quality time with the One who love us with an everlasting love. Never ever ignore His call. Leave everything alone and run to the arms of the Lord who wants to tell...
  11. BrotherHendricks

    Let us blossom in the middle of His praise.

    Let us all find out the three types of praise we can give to our dear Lord who love us with an everlasting love and cares for us. A. Personal praise. Enter into your closet and start praising and adoring Him. B. Effort based praise. When we are going through a hard time, start praising...
  12. Knutsen

    Let us all come before the Lord with praise in our lips.

    Holy, holy, holy are You Lord... the elders and the angels bow, the redeemed will worship You now. Holy are You Lord our God and worthy of all glory. He is the radiance of the glory of the Father who loved us with an everlasting love and His care and mercy will never ever depart from those who...
  13. Ziggy

    Holy is our God worthy of all praise.

    I am not worthy to enter into Your holy presence o God almighty. I am so sorry for all of my sins and for making your heart full of pain. Forgive us, cleanse us, purify our hearts. We want to come to You and ask for mercy and compassion. There is no other place safe and secure we can be...
  14. SongleaderKate

    Satan will not stop me singing praises to the Lord.

    As we gather together to praise, honor and glorify the Lord our God, satan will do anything at his disposal to make us all miss our way to heaven and stop our singing to Jesus. He knows that the Lord delights in the praises of those who love HIm. As we join together as one body and hear and...
  15. SisterMeghan

    I know there are angels all around us.

    Because we love Jesus with all our heart, mind and soul, and continue to sing praises to His name, angels from heaven comes down and join us in songs of praise to Him. Let us all continue to honor and adore His holy name. Yes, this is so true... and I know it by heart. We are standing on...
  16. Ginger

    Thou o Lord a great above all gods.

    Let us all bow down before Jesus who love us with an everlasting love and cares. He is coming soon to take us all home to His glorious presence. Keep loving Him and praising His name. Like a thief in the night He shall appear. We wait for You o Lord. Come soon we pray. Amen
  17. Barlow

    Precious Father we are so glad You have redeemed us.

    Our dear heavenly Father loves us with an everlasting love and cares for us. His holiness refers to an absolute moral purity and His word is true to the last word. He exists in perfect holiness and He want us all to be holyand pure before His sight. People grow up and mature and die, God...
  18. Hildah

    Dear Lord, make me a blessing to ...

    Dear Lord, make me a blessing to everyone I see this coming week. I want to be used for the glory of God the Father who loves me with an everlasting love and cares for me. I want to sing all week long ... He is exalted forever exalted on high. May my life be pleasing to the Lord that wherever I...
  19. Vurlyr

    Make him text me. Please Lord.

    4. Jeremiah 32:17 “Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you. Lord grant my wish,let me hear from Christian Jezerszki within this week via messenger. I know no shame,blame,past can intervene in our...
  20. Greyer

    Taking a walk with Jesus.

    This really is a wonderful walk with the One who loves you with an everlasting love and cares for you. On my bike.. All alone with Jesus. I telling Him. I love You Lord. I will forever follow You. I want to live where you live. I want to be with You forever. If we walk in the light as He is...
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