euro millions

  1. abundantlyblessed

    Lord please please bless and please multiply ...

    Lord please please bless and please multiply please lord my finances my financial income savings please lord now rught now please lord in millions millions please lord right now please without any delay in jesus christ namess I ask you please please bless ne me please lord to please please win...
  2. abundantlyblessed

    Lord I ask you please please please ...

    Lord I ask you please please please bless me please to please win millions millions of pounds I desire lord please on the euro millions rught now please without any delay please lord do this for nd now please without any delay in jesus christ namess
  3. abundantlyblessed

    Lord please please bless and please lord ...

    Lord please please bless and please lord multiply please my finances my financial income savings please lord in millions millions millions please lord right now please more more every day please lord bless me me please to please please win millions millions of pounds please lord on the euro...
  4. abundantlyblessed

    Lord I ask you please please bless ...

    Lord I ask you please please bless bless and please lord multiplys please my finances my financial income savings now right now please lord in millions millions rught now please more more every day in jesus christ namess I ask you please lord bless me me please lord to please plesee win millions...
  5. abundantlyblessed

    Lord I ask you please please bless ...

    Lord I ask you please please bless and please lord multiply please my finances my financial.imcome savings now rught now please lord in millions millions rught now plesee lord more more every day in jesus christ name I ask you please lord bless me me please to plesse please win millions millions...
  6. abundantlyblessed

    Lord thank you for the money I ...

    Lord thank you for the money I have savings I have benifits I have your words say ask and I will recieve I syand on yoit words lord I ask you please please bless bless and please lord multiply please my finances my financial incime savings please lord in millions milliins milliins please lord...
  7. abundantlyblessed

    Lord your words say ask Ak and ...

    Lord your words say ask Ak and I will recieve I stand on your words lord I thank you fof the money i have savings i have benifits I have I ask you plesse please please lord bless bless and please lord multiply please my finances my financial income savings now rught now please lord in milliins...
  8. abundantlyblessed

    Lord I ask you please please bless ...

    Lord I ask you please please bless and please lord multiply please my finances my financial income savings please now rught now please in millions millions more lore every day in jesus name I ask you please please bless me me please lord to please please win millions millions over pounds please...
  9. abundantlyblessed

    My lord my god I ask you ...

    My lord my god I ask you please please bless and please multiply please my finances my financial income savings now rught now please lord in millions millions rught now please more more every day in jesus name I ask you please please lord bless me me pleasd lord to please please win millions...
  10. abundantlyblessed

    My lord my god thank you fir ...

    My lord my god thank you fir the money I have savings I have benifits I have your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please lord bless bless and please multiply please my finances my financial incone savings please lird now rught now please lord in millions millions millions rught...
  11. abundantlyblessed

    Lord I ask you please please bless ...

    Lord I ask you please please bless and please lord multiply my finances my financial income savings please lord now tight now please lord in millions millions millions right now please more more every day in jesus name I ask you please lord bless me me me pleasd lord to please please win...
  12. abundantlyblessed

    I ask you please lord bless bless ...

    I ask you please lord bless bless and please lord multiply please my finances my financial income savings please now right now please lord in millions millions millions right now please lord more more every day in jesus name I ask you please lord bless me me plesee to please please win millions...
  13. abundantlyblessed

    Lord your words say ask and I ...

    Lord your words say ask and I will recieve keep in asking that my joy gladness will be full I stand in your words lord I ask you please please bless me me please to please please win millions millions of pounds please lord on the euro millions tickets I buy put on please lord now right now...
  14. abundantlyblessed

    Lord your words say ask and I ...

    Lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please lord bless me me to please please win millions millions of pounds on the euro millions tickets I buy put on now please without any delay lord please bless and please make it happen pleasd lord to me to je now right now please...
  15. abundantlyblessed

    I ask you please please bless and ...

    I ask you please please bless and please multiply please lord my finances my financial income savings now right now please lord in millions millions right now more more every day in jesus name I ask you please please lord bless me me please to.plesse please win millions millions of pounds please...
  16. abundantlyblessed

    Lord I ask you please please bless ...

    Lord I ask you please please bless and please multiply please my finances my financial income savings now right now please lord in millions millions millions right now please more more every day in jesus name I ask you please lord bless me me please to please win millions millions millions if...
  17. abundantlyblessed

    Thanm you lord for the money I ...

    Thanm you lord for the money I have savings I have benifits I have I ask you please please lord your wiffs say ask and I will recieve I ask you please lord bless bless and please please multiply please my finances my financial income savings now tight now please lord in millions millions...
  18. abundantlyblessed

    I decree and declare in jesus name ...

    I decree and declare in jesus name I win millions millions of pounds on the euro millions tickets I buy put on now right now without any delay in jesus name I decree and declare in win the top jackpot on the euro millions now rught now without any delay it hapoens to me to me rught now without...
  19. abundantlyblessed

    Lord I ask you plesse plesse bless ...

    Lord I ask you plesse plesse bless and please lord multiplys my finances my financial incone savings please lord in millions millions millions rught now in jesus name more more every day plesse in jesus name I ask you plesse plesse lord bless me me please to please win millions millions millions...
  20. abundantlyblessed

    Lord I ask you plesse plesse bless ...

    Lord I ask you plesse plesse bless and please multiply plesse my finances my financial incine savings please lord now right now more more every day in jesusccheust name lord yoir words say ask and I will recieve the bkessing of the lord brings me wealth he adds no trouble no sorrow to it lord I...
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