eternal home

  1. Ginger

    Flying away beyond the sky.

    Hallelujah, for the Lord our reigns. He is calling you and me to fly away to be with Him in glory. Our home is not on earth, everything will be left behind and when our time is up, we for sure, will be going away to our eternal home in heaven. Those we love, Will fly away for good. Then we...
  2. Theresse

    Gentle Sheperd.

    Come and lead us all to Your holy place where angels sing praises to You. We need You every single day of our exsitence. Gentle Lord and Savior, feed us with Thy eternal word coming down from heaven. We need strenght and wisdom to continue on to our eternal home in glory. There is no...
  3. Millicent

    Who are we looking for?

    The right person we are looking all around us and around the world will be the one who you know well, you want and need in your life. That person is Jesus, the Fountain of all joy and peace. The one who complements your personality and expectations. If you love the Lord with all your heart...
  4. Fraserr

    There is no one like Jesus.

    Jesus, the Son of the living God, came to this world to save sinners and to show us to way to reach our eternal home in glory. I am the Door... Jesus said. to enter enter heaven. We must call on Him, day and night pray, praise and honor His holy name. His mercy and compassion will never...
  5. Orthon

    Jesus will protect us from the new variant Omicron BA.2

    I call on the Lord day and night and say to the deep blue vastness of the sky. Protect us o Lord, send healing and mercy for those who risk their life in helping others. Jesus will answer all our doubts and fears. I really feel comforted and never feel alone. Jesus is with us when we fall...
  6. Nuddin

    The Most Important Thing

    If you were to die today, where would you spend eternity? YOUR answer to this question is the most important thing! There are two options… You can spend eternity in Heaven with God walking the streets of gold, or you can spend eternity in Hell, forever separated from God in agony and pain...
  7. Emillie

    Be ye holy.

    The Lord want us all to live a holy and pure life before Him. He lived to serve God alone and preached, teach and admonish all of us how to reach our eternal home in glory. Let us all live just as He did. Be ye holy, even as My Father which is in heaven is holy. Jesus desire to live a...
  8. Motherangelica

    Gods own heart desires the best to all of us.

    I will bless the Lord forever more and give Him glory all the days of my life. His love, mercy and compassion will never end. He has come to give us life and life eternal in heaven. He said. Thou will be with Me in paradise. What a joyous description of Jesus own desires and wants. Gods...
  9. Articles

    Today's Verse - John 1:12 (KJV)

    But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name... —John 1:12 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... Isn't it incredible that we are called children of God!? But that is exactly what we are! (cf. 1 John 3:1-3) We are God's...
  10. Amberty

    Experience great things coming from God.

    We are the only person alive who has sole custody of our own existence. Our particular life belongs to Jesus but we must choose which way to go. Choose ye this day whom ye shall serve.... Joshua told Gods people. But as for me and my household, I will serve the Lord. Joshua 24.15 A life...
  11. SisterConsolatta

    Ponder nothing but to praise God.

    Our hearts should be full of praise to God almighty because He is mighty in power and mercy. His love is deeper than the ocean and rises higher that the farthest star. The Lord is righteous in all His ways giving us the map of the heavenly road that will lead us all to His glorious presence...
  12. Irish2

    I sing praises to Your name o Lord.

    While I live... I will praise the Lord. From the bottom of my heart I shall sing glorious songs to Him. He is worthy of all glorious songs coming our from a grateful heart. We were delivered from sin and evil and now we are on our way to our eternal home in heaven. I will sing praises...
  13. Zherry

    Forever exalt His name.

    He is the Lord, forever His truth shall reign. Let us all rejoice in His name. He came to save, to heal, to bless and to help us reach our etenal home in heaven. Cant you see the gates of heaven. Opening for us by the Lord. He came to this world to give us hope. Life everlasting forever...
  14. Kristen

    Where should we move?

    The landlord sent an eviction notice and now all of us need to move where the Lord want us to be. There are lots of opportunities to find a place to live but we need to ask the Lord where that place it is. O Lord, show us what to do, where to move and what is Your will for us. We are...
  15. Carlsonn

    When I was away from Jesus.

    Everything went wrong. It seems that I was walking in a dark forest, lost, alone and no one came to help me. Lost my job, lost my home, lost my marriage and lost every single hope I had in life. Things go wrong in life, it can go haywire. You do not know how to react and in the middle of...
  16. Anonymous

    Dear God, I am so sorry for ...

    Dear God, I am so sorry for breaking down this morning. I Pray for Strength as a gift from You. Please make me Strong enough to do it all. I am overwhelmed and must spend any time I have to talk to You Father. Please talk to me and Bless me with wisdom. I had just adjusted somewhat to my...
  17. Elmoring

    Going by faith,not be feeling.

    Our God is real and He wants us all to worship Him in spirit and in truth. Do not make idols of any kind. Come to Him just as you are and He will be waiting for you and for me with open arms to welcome us in and give the peace the joy we were looking for all these time. It is not a feeling...
  18. Stephan

    A Father who is full of mercy and compassion.

    Never ever forget who your Father is. The One who redeemed us from sin and evil. The One who will lead us all to our eternal home in heaven. He loves you, He cares for you, He wants you and me to be holy and pure before His holy presence. So, when you are over loaded by fear, doubt and...
  19. Hans

    Holy God we praise Thy name.

    We believe, we trust, we wait for Jesus. Salvation and healing cometh from Him alone. Holy God, we really praise,honor and glorify Thy name. You are worthy of all glory. Save us, help us and guide us all to our eternal home in heaven. We walk the path Jesus has shown us on earth. Healing...
  20. Articles

    Today's Verse - 1 John 5:4 (KJV)

    For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. —1 John 5:4 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... This is the companion passage to 1 John 2:17 — "The world and its desires are passing away, but the one who does the will of...
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