eternal home

  1. Aichmalino

    God, l love You. John 4:8, 1 ...

    God, l love You. John 4:8, 1 John 4:19, Matt 22:37. God, thank You for sustaining me, protection, provision, peace, deliverance, knowledge, understanding, wisdom, discernment, all that You have given me for life and godliness. Ephesians 5:20, Psalm 9:1, Psalm 106:1. God, forgive me. Romans 8:1...
  2. Hapos

    Peace and comfort

    Dear Lord, Please give my mother peace and comfort. Please embrace her in your love as she transitions to her eternal home with You. Please let her feel no pain or discomfort, confusion or fear... Only peace and reassurance and love. Please open her eyes so that she may drink and quench her...
  3. Conroy

    Requesting prayers for all my inlaws to ...

    Requesting prayers for all my inlaws to be saved and be on their way to heaven. I have such a burden for them to be on their way to heaven. They are a wonderful people but it seems they have no faith on where they are going to end up when they die. They are not sure if they will enter heaven...
  4. Galey

    Showers of blessings shall come to all who love Jesus.

    These are divine treasures coming down to all uf who love the Lord with all our heart, mind and soul. When this wonderful promises comes to all of us, it refreshes us, calm our attitude, peace and joy fills our hearts and the joy of the Gods love fill our hearts. Spiritual and physical...
  5. Jennsen

    Inside of a peaceful road to glory.

    May my heart be the temple of His Spirit. Let Jesus abide in your heart, and let Him lead your path to our eternal home in glory. This is really my prayer today. Let my heart be the temple of The Spirit. Let my spirit feel the warmth of Your embrace. Let me be a holy habitation. Where Your...
  6. SingerRoselynn

    Your eyes o Lord are on all of us.

    O my dear Jesus. What a wonder You are. You are so gentle, So pure and so kind. You shine like a bright morning star. Jesus, what a wonder You are. Yes, our dear Lord is so wonderful to those who seek His face on a daily basis. He will help, He will bless and guide all of us to our eternal...
  7. Anonymous

    Prayers and blessings for God to intervene ...

    Prayers and blessings for God to intervene to immediately start to get more than $58 monthly for food benefits. Prayers and blessings for God to intervene to very soon permanently terminate the merge at my church and for the building in Bedford to permanently close. Prayers and blessings for God...
  8. Articles

    Today's Verse - Psalm 121:7-8 (KJV)

    The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore. —Psalm 121:7-8 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... One of my most complex challenges as a parent is knowing that I can't...
  9. Corinnah

    Let Your glory fill this house.

    Wonderful desire coming out from our hearts that wants to praise, honor and glorify the Lord. This is the time right now to stop everything we are doing and focus our attention on Him completely, lifting our hearts and voices to Him because Jesus alone is worthy of all praise. Let Your glory...
  10. Pam

    Who will confess this eternal truth?

    Confess all your sins you have done on earth and Jesus will forgive you, help you, bless you, heal your body and soul and will guide your steps towards heaven. Now, let us all sing this precious truth to Jesus. He is Lord, He is risen from the dead. And He is Lord. Every knee shall bow...
  11. CounselorIngrid

    The best Counselor we have on earth is this...

    Jesus wonderful promise coming out from His heart. But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things I have said unto you. Peace I leave unto you, My peace I give to you, not as the world give I...
  12. Lewiston

    Let us lift our hands in surrender to the Lord our God.

    Then, we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. I Thess. 4.17 What a beautiful promise coming out from Gods word, but we must first surrender to the will of the Father and give ourselves...
  13. Abellinne

    God alone will be the joy of our life.

    Our dear Lord has given us wisdom to seek His holy presence and live with Him while we are on earth. Without this wonderful gift we would be lost and trying to find out where we came from and where we are going to end after we are gone. God alone reveals the truth. Of all we call unknown...
  14. Zherry

    Should I give my body science?

    I was thinking last night if it is a sin to dispose of my remains before I pass away and if I give my body to science would the Lord be angry at me for doing so? What a about cremation. In hells burning fire, we all will burn in hell for ages to come and no one will say anything about it...
  15. Kyle

    Lying down in a hospital.

    Ready to see my Maker and knowing that Jesus is waiting for me at the gates of heaven. God is calling us home. Are we ready to see our dear Lord? Tears fallen. Hearts broken. We are heading to our eternal home. Come to Me... Says the Lord. Yes. I am ready to see my Maker. Amen
  16. Corah

    I turn my life to Jesus. He ...

    I turn my life to Jesus. He is the One who sent me here to earth to be a blessing to everyone and He is the One who will lead us to our heavenly home in glory. Be in prayer all the time. Be faithful and true to Him in perilous times we live in. Jesus is coming soon. He is coming for you and for...
  17. BrotherZack

    The greatest achievement of our life is this..

    Finding purpose in life and making sure we follow it all the way to our eternal home in heaven. Just as someone said. The purpose of men and women on earth is to honor, praise and glorify the Lord all the days of our life. I love You Lord, And I lift my voice. To worship You O my soul...
  18. Hans

    Going straight to see Jesus face to face.

    This world is not my eternal home, I am just a pilgrim, a passenger on bus that will lead me to heaven. Jesus has promised all of us who believe, trust and wait for Him. Wonderful promises coming from His heart. I am going to prepare a place for you, that where I am there you may be also...
  19. BrotherDwayne

    Just came back from a wake service.

    Jesus sent us here on earth to be a blessing and He will take us all home whenever He decides. With a broken heart I went to see a friend of mine who just passed away and without notice he just dropped dead. A heart attack they said. Pain in the chest and then fell down on the floor. We...
  20. Klugger

    On our way to our glorious home.

    The hardest walk we take on earth is the one we take all alone, without Jesus, without family, without friends. The walk that make us all stronger in life is walking with God, just as Enoch walked with the Lord and did not face death because Jesus took him away to be with Him forever. Enoch...
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