
  1. Pinky grace

    Iam prayering for the youth in India. ...

    Iam prayering for the youth in India. i have seen lot of difference from last few years they are running behide money , sex and enjoyement. they are completely into world. God please bring that revolution among the youth so that they can save lot of souls. let ur holy sprit work on all of us i...
  2. Virya

    Enjoy the Simple Things:

    “...to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment...” (1 Timothy 6:17, NIV) Don’t miss a great season in your life wishing you had more, complaining about what you don’t have. The real joy in life is in the simple things—making memories with your family...
  3. Roselindah

    There is a deep difference between these two.

    Jesus want us all to be happy, joyful and full of His blessings in everything we do and say. The Holy Spirit of God will come to you and me when we know that these two are defining power in our mind. Loneliness is the poverty of self and living far away from the holy presence of Jesus...
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