
  1. natasha2

    No noise, gasoline in my neighbourhood

    No noise in my neighbouihood. Numerous family. Noise was very often in the past. No cars with engine on under my balcony/windows. Or any meetings under my balcony/windows.
  2. natasha2

    No cars under my balcony/windows please

    No cars under my balcony with engine on please because they make noise and bad air. THank you
  3. natasha2

    Silence and fresh air please

    No noise in and aruond my building. Especially people who have their engine on under my window for more then 3 min. No noise and bad smells. No loud talking under my window. I must do my online school classes at home.
  4. Kadisok

    Car mechanical issues update

    Hi Family, Thanks for your prayers! I vowed to give a testimony as regards my car mechanical issues which I posted about 2 weeks ago Here's an update. I took the car to a mechanic and got a quotation and we agreed on a reasonable figure for the entire work which I paid, however after the...
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