Fight for us Lord Reverse all attacks of the enemy and restore us stop all attacks on our finances You blessed us with and heal us. Help to resolve this real soon with God's mighty favor closer to us. Amen
Please take away all his doubts and pour out Your Spirit upon him Father, let him know Your truth and let him be set free from all the oppression of the enemy in the Mighty Name of Jesus Amen. Please make a way Father, please do it today, Father, We need You more than ever!!!
Please continue to pray for my daughter Sheila for God protection over to defeat the lies and rumors that someone a enemy on known to her is spreading 🙏
I fell asleep and when i woke up I was seeing the letters from afar double I instantly realized it was a demonic attack against my eyes seeing strange distorted things it was like my sight was being manipulated to go blind. I prayed fervently Psalms from my heart because I didn’t want lose my...
Kindly pray that my job contract is renewed. Is expiring by the end of Dec. 2023. I am seeing the enemy trying to prevent it from being renewed. Kindly stand with me in prayer for a break through. Thanks for your prayer support, may God bless you.
Praying for my mental & health, I’ve been through a lot of trauma these last years. This whole year I’ve had a broken spell meaning my hip sciatic nerve taunts me everyday. I want to sit up and cry sometimes because i can’t move how i use to my energy levels are weakened. The enemy knows how to...
Lord In Jesus name I ask that you give Steve a heart that longs to know you better so that his heart will always be soft towards you and me. Where his heart has already become hardI pray that he will turn to you and find your presence waiting for him Open his heart to hear what you are speaking...
Please continue to pray for my eyes of glaucoma because they have improved and around this time I feel pain again in my left eye. The enemy is fighting against me attacking my eyes. Thank you for praying for me. Ricardo
Prayers for the enemy that's blinding and attacking Jason right now and causing him to be hateful and mean with his words. Prayers for peace and righteousness. Prayers for calmness tonight. God show up and change Jason's heart and bring about a transformation within him. Stop Jason's blaming his...
I am in urgent need of prayer. I’m at my wits end with one of my professors. No matter how hard I try, the enemy just doesn’t want me to win. I spent hours on an assignment, and appropriately use quotation marks to acknowledge others’ work but my professor gave me 0 for having sentences to...
Prayers Jason takes accountability for his actions. Lord change him turn him from his wicked ways. Set him free from the enemy and cause repentance. Stop doing the things that are causing all of the problems between us especially the sexual immorality. Change his thinking about the evil that's...
Please pray for me and my husband him and my son got into a heated argument cops came he got arrested he has since made bail he was drinking he had been quit for seven years started back he has many health problems I love him and we both have allowed the enemy too enter our marriage been with...
Jason is out on a bender tonight He left and mad. Pray he ends reaping what he's sown. He being very evil and mean right now. He's treating me very badly. Pray something happens to turn his life around. He's influenced by the enemy the enemy has him right where he wants him and he will destroy...
I am at my lowest as I speak and have no more strength to continue a fight that feels endless and very long.An oppressed,unhappy,timeous defeat journey and never ending challenges within my marriage.Our enemy has said that one of us will work out of this marriage and we are much divided as I...
God please work behind the scenes. I believe ther you have something big in store but the enemy is fighting really really hard to block my progress. Need a way to victory
I had a terrible dream last night. Please pray that God will destroy every strong hold of the enemy in my life. That all his will not be manifested in Jesus mighty name 🙏