Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please pray for me. I’m feeling worn out today. I don’t know if it’s the head, humidity, or the fact that I’m simply overweight, out of shape, and not getting enough exercise. Whatever the case may be, please ask God to restore my strength, stamina, and...
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please pray for me and ask God to Bless this day. Please ask Him to keep my truck running safely and dependably, especially while I'm making my dump runs today. Please ask God to watch over and protect me and keep me safe. Please ask Him to restore my...
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please pray for me. I'm wiped out after working in the yard for only a couple of hours. I'm trying to get healthier, and I see I really need it. Please ask God to heal me, restore my strength and stamina and endurance. Please ask Him to watch over me and keep...
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please pray for me. I'm not looking forward to today. It's already getting too hot due to the heatwave; my allergies are kicking in; and I'm feeling dizzy, weak, and tired, with tinnitus, blurry vision, and swollen lymph nodes. Please ask God to watch over...
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please hold me up in prayer. I'm not looking forward to today. It's already getting to warm because of the heatwave, my allergies are already kicking in; and I'm feeling dizzy and weak, with tinnitus, blurry vision, swollen lymph nodes, and I'm tired. Please...
Heb. 12:1 "Therefore we also, since we are surrendered by so great a cloud of witnesses. Let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us." Life is a race for us to finish well with faith and endurance...
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please pray for me and ask God to heal me miraculously. I'm feeling awful, really sick. I'm hoping it's not the worst part of the withdrawal symptoms surfacing. It's been 8 days since I've had a drink. Please ask God to keep me safe and watch over me. Please...
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please pray for me. I'm feeling dizzy, weak, scared, my stomach hurts, I'm slightly confused, my joints ache, I'm tired, and I feel feverish. Granted, it's probably just some of the withdrawal symptoms acting up again, but I'd appreciate it if you would pray...
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please ask God to make healthy again. Please ask Him to restore my physical strength and endurance, plus my desire to get things done. Please ask Him to keep me safe and help me to be a better person. I ask this all in Jesus' Precious and Holy Name. Amen.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please pray for me. I'm overweight and out of shape. Please ask God to help me work on losing some weight, and regaining my strength and endurance. Please pray also that He would heal my body and help me to deal with the chronic pain. Please ask Him to make...
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please pray for me. I'm overweight and out of shape. Please ask God to help me work on losing some weight, and regaining my strength and endurance. Please pray also that He would heal my body and help me to deal with the chronic pain. Please ask Him to make...
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please pray for me. I'm overweight and out of shape. Please ask God to help me work on losing some weight, and regaining my strength and endurance. Please pray also that He would heal my body and help me to deal with the chronic pain. Please ask Him to make...
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please pray for me. I'm overweight and out of shape. Please ask God to help me work on losing some weight, and regaining my strength and endurance. Please pray also that He would heal my body and help me to deal with the chronic pain. Please ask Him to make...
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Please pray for me. I am extremely out of shape and my physical strength and stamina have decreased tremendously. It's embarrassing. Please ask God to help me to restore my endurance and strength. I ask this in Jesus Name. Amen.
Accomplish desires and goals, read and pray alot more and fast Needing to increase strength whilst leaning up and increasing endurance and flexibility and fitness Also cartilage tear need healing and joints and internal organs
Private contracts, more money needed as I like to take over renting the whole house I live in, Accomplish desires and goals, read and pray alot more and fast Needing to increase strength whilst leaning up and increasing endurance and flexibility and fitness Also cartilage tear need healing and...
Private contracts, more money needed as I like to take over renting the whole house I live in, Accomplish desires and goals, read and pray alot more and fast Needing to increase strength whilst leaning up and increasing endurance and flexibility and fitness Also cartilage tear need healing and...
Private contracts, more money needed as I like to take over renting the whole house I live in, Accomplish desires and goals, read and pray alot more and fast Needing to increase strength whilst leaning up and increasing endurance and flexibility and fitness Also cartilage tear need healing and...
Private contracts, more money needed as I like to take over renting the whole house I live in, Accomplish desires and goals, read and pray alot more and fast Needing to increase strength whilst leaning up and increasing endurance and flexibility and fitness Also cartilage tear need healing and...
Private contracts, more money needed as I like to take over renting the whole house I live in, Accomplish desires and goals, read and pray alot more and fast Needing to increase strength whilst leaning up and increasing endurance and flexibility and fitness Also cartilage tear need healing and...