Don't know God losed the job for all employees don't know what your are stored in my life only giving hurdles in life my brain is not working how can we live without job God... Is this your blessings to live us on streets or ur cursing us God full of sadness, headache, thoughts filled my brain...
prayers work comes in shop #4 customers happy with customer service and work done pray for Juan hire a shop Forman shop makes over 45000 month to pay shop rent bills and employees pray for Tammi and all that are sick healing Ashley work full time #1 and # 2 pay and time Jose finds job in...
Praise the lord God Thank for Today for all... Am praying for mother and brother health recover them in your name God... Am praying for father protect him in your name and unite three of them.... Am praying for land issue solve in your name God... Am praying for office for all employees unite...
Praise the lord God Thank you for healing mother health keep her safe and protect her in your name God... Am praying for Father, Brother keep their health safe and give them salaries and unite three of them in your name God... Am praying for land issue solve in your name God bless us a home...
I feel like I’m surrounded by jealousy and envy and I just won’t peace also asking for prayers for carle hospital and it’s employees to be exposed for tampering with rape kits and everyone involved for Gods will to be done
Praise the lord God Am praying for Mother healing slowly in your name God plz give her good health soon... Am praying for Father, Brother keep them safe in your name God... Am praying for land issue plz God solve in your name... Am praying for office keep all employees and managers safe and...
Praise the lord God... Am praying for Mother health she is not well heal her in your name God... Am praying for father, Brother health and keep them safe... Am praying for land issue solve in your name... Am praying for office help all employees to reach their goal and provide them salaries and...
Praise the lord God... Am praying for mother, father, brother for their health and unite them in your name God... Am praying for land issue plz solve in your name God... Am praying for office bless all employees to do their job and provide them salaries and talk with officials to see all...
Please god have employees at work stop bothering me , let my life get a little easier , please let rates come down they are hurting everyone. May Jesus pls help us all .
Heavenly pls help me to shine for u while at job and even in trials. So I’ll be on good terms w customers and employees. Pls save all those in need of being saved. Pls save all families and loved ones in need of being saved. Pls bless my dad mom and brother and sister and brother. Pls bless all...
ITS SOMETHING ABOUT THE NAME OF JESUS, YES LORD PLEASE HEAR MY PRAYERS. IM PRAYING HARD LORD. Please hold off inspection for a while UNTIL NEXT MONTH JUNE. Tomorrow please let owners stay away until after memorial day bad vibes and talk crazy their employees. In Jesus Name Amen!!!! Please bless...
Please pray for our business. We can not get employees and we are struggling getting jobs done. Please pray for God to guide us through this difficult time. My health is not good and I am very worried.
Hello, please pray for healing and salvation and deliverance for Jordan, Chad. Jason, and all of Abra staff and employees and all of Chrysler staff abs employees
Hello, please pray fir safety for all of Minerva’s staff and employees and all of Abras staff and employees as they travel during winter storms and blizzards today and this week
Hello, please pray for God to keep Shawn and our family safe during blizzards and winter travels also Nate and his family and all of Minerva’s staff and employees and all of Abra staff too
Hello, please pray for all of Minerva’s staff and employees and Abra fir healing and salvation and deliverance and travel safety for all of them too thank you