
  1. Nosaea

    Hi I need an emergency prayer for ...

    Hi I need an emergency prayer for my marriage, we no longer stay together as I was ordered by the protection order to live the house. I am currently staying in my sisters house. I am the cause because she discovered that I was having an affair with other woman. I still love my wife( Duduzile...
  2. Sescagh


  3. Adisongor

    Please pray for my sister Agnes. She ...

    Please pray for my sister Agnes. She suddenly collapsed on October 1st, around 7pm. She was immediately rushed to emergency. She wasn't breathing for more than 14 minutes. Doctors performed CPR on her. She was back. However, the brain is swollen and doctor pronounced dead brain. She is on life...
  4. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let our county council vote ...

    Jesus please let our county council vote against extending state of emergency. We have to end this pandemic nonsense now. It's all about power and money and control. It has nothing to do with a virus anymore. Please also let my husband have a good night at work. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  5. Joe95

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I ...

    Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I have an emergency prayer request now. My father John(65 yrs) is not feeling well since couple of days because of food poison and is taking medicines but there is no improvement in health. His sugar levels went high and not controlling with tablets. He is...
  6. Anonymous

    Please pray for my relationship. It's an ...

    Please pray for my relationship. It's an emergency.
  7. Anonymous

    Abortion emergency!

    My daughter’s sweet 19 year old best friend has an abortion scheduled in the morning. Her family is encouraging her to have the abortion. It feels hopeless. Please pray for her to change her mind. She’d be a great mom. Thank you so much!
  8. Anonymous

    Emergency 🙏for a child/parent to keep living ...

    Emergency 🙏for a child/parent to keep living with distant relative. They are giving them both stability, love security.. God knows the whole complete. story
  9. sharonjoan

    prayers for everyone this county has issued ...

    prayers for everyone this county has issued state of emergency due to virus pray soon this will be under control soon
  10. Anonymous

    EMERGENCY PRAYERS NEEDED: My friend Amy is ...

    EMERGENCY PRAYERS NEEDED: My friend Amy is threatening suicide. I tried talking with her, but she left the phone off the hook. She claims she took pills. I am scared for her. She's played bluff several times before. Please say prayers that God's mercy is upon her and that he send his angles to...
  11. Tovrun

    We have an emergency here in Northern ...

    We have an emergency here in Northern California. We have a fire in our association and a third of our community has been evacuated. I pray for favorable winds and safety for all residents and animals. I pray that the fire would be contained and the evacuees would get to return home. In Jesus...
  12. Brokennlost2

    I need emergency prayer that I get ...

    I need emergency prayer that I get better. I have gall some pain, pain all over abdomen, feel feverish, no energy. I pray this goes away on its own as I do notwant to have surgery and it's risky for me anyways. . Please pray for me that I get better
  13. Oglonian

    Mary water got turned off $247.00 , ...

    Mary water got turned off $247.00 , she needs emergency help with her bills , she is waiting to get her disability started.
  14. Jesussaves89

    EMERGENCY PRAYER REQUEST: My grandma is suffering ...

    EMERGENCY PRAYER REQUEST: My grandma is suffering severe spasm cramps in her whole body. we tried getting medical help to no avail. PLEase pray for my granmda to be delivered form SEVERE SEVRE Cramps. She cannot open her hands either Please. Im scared help!! she has been bedridden for years...
  15. Tuntys

    I need my relationship back with God, ...

    I need my relationship back with God, Holy spirit and Jesus. I need my prayers heard and the enemy to die that is fighting me. I am under spiritual attack and it doesn't feel like I'm being heard by God. I can't get direction from Holy Spirit. I need emergency help and guidance. I want my faith...
  16. lm119lm119

    My husband's mom is in emergency! Please ...

    My husband's mom is in emergency! Please pray for her healing and for the doctors, nurses, and health care workers that are taking care of her.
  17. Miranda T

    Stop brain bleeding - Ludwig's daddy (3rd day)

    Uncle, Ludwig's daddy fell down and hit his head was sent to emergency with brain bleeding around two days, 80 years old, Dr said they cannot do any surgery but will need to stop the bleeding on his own. Due to covid, none of us can enter the hospital to see uncle and the latest update one hour...
  18. Miranda T

    Stop brain bleeding Ludwig's daddy

    Uncle, Ludwig's daddy fell down and hit his head was sent to emergency with brain bleeding around two days, 80 years old, Dr said they cannot do any surgery but will need to stop the bleeding on his own. Due to covid, none of us can enter the hospital to see uncle and the latest update one hour...
  19. Miranda T

    Stop brain bleeding - Ludwig's daddy

    Uncle, Ludwig's daddy fell down and hit his head was sent to emergency with brain bleeding since around 10 hours ago, 80 years old, Dr said they cannot do any surgery but will need to stop the bleeding on his own. Due to covid, none of us can enter the hospital to see uncle and the latest update...
  20. Anonymous

    Emergency Prayer 🙏🙏A close friend has Two ...

    Emergency Prayer 🙏🙏A close friend has Two JOBS!!!! Wants to QUIT, or get Fired immediately..Please pray. Amen 🙏 🙏
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