[After the Transfiguration, the disciples asked Jesus,] "Why do the teachers of religious law insist that Elijah must return before the Messiah comes?"
Jesus responded, "Elijah is indeed coming first to get everything ready. Yet why do the Scriptures say that the Son of Man must suffer greatly...
country: local intranet
god's disapproval
god's greatest servants
god's servants
good work opposition persecution
jesus' ministry
john's death
religious leaders
[After the Transfiguration, as Jesus and the three apostles] went back down the mountain, he told them not to tell anyone what they had seen until the Son of Man had risen from the dead. So they kept it to themselves, but they often asked each other what he meant by "rising from the dead."...
[After the Transfiguration, when Peter, James, and John suddenly] looked around, Moses and Elijah were gone, and they saw only Jesus with them.
—Mark 9:8 NLT
Key Thought
If God's message to Jesus' followers in the previous verse (Mark 9:7) about listening to Jesus as their primary source of...
country: local intranet
disappearance of moses
god's message
god's point
jesus' followers
permission of tyndale house publishers
previous verse mark
primary source of god's revelation
tyndale house foundation