Lord, My daughter, her husband and two small kids are affected with this covid virus in USA.Kindly bless them for early recovery.I am also suffering from severe sciatica pain.Please Lord, be with my family and bless all of us for a healthy happy life. .
Hello all Please pray for my nephew Aayansh Roy, who is 2yrs 10 months old and is hospitalised because of infection and fever. Please pray for his early recovery. .🙏🏻🙏🏻
My wife smt guntur moji suvarna kumari who is long supporter to Jesus calls & other ministries with you. Now she is suffering fever covid since 5 days pray for us early recovery From kalapala jaya prasad
My brother Anil has been admitted to the hospital for a sudden health problem. Please pray for his early recovery and wellness. Thanks!
-Mahaveer Chavan
Please pray for me and my sister...we have been diagnosed covid positive. And keep the entire family in your prayers as they are totally broken after the death of my uncle who was also covid positive. Pray for protection and early recovery.
Gud day.. please help me praying for the early recovery of Henry Felix Symanski..his already 15 days in the hospital ..thank you...please heal him oh Lord...Amen
Good morning my brothers and sisters in Christ..please help me praying for the early recovery of Henry Felix Symanski due to covid ..he is the hospital for almost 12 days now ..thank you..in Jesus name...Amen
Gud morning brothers and sisters, please help me continue praying for the early recovery of Henry Felix Symanski due to covid...please help him to back his strength and back to his work here in the Philippines soon..in Jesus name..amen...thanks
Good morning... brothers n sisters in Christ please help me continue praying with Henry Felix Symanski for his early recovery due to his sickness that's he is suffering right now due to covid 19..he still in the hospital..please pray for his immediate healing...thanks a lot...Amen
Good day.. brothers and sisters please help me praying for early recovery of Henry Felix Symanski in his sickness due to covid with complications.. please help him to back his strength...thank you...in Jesus name...Amen
Good morning brothers and sisters please help me praying for the early recovery of Henry Felix Symanski in his sickness due to Covid ..please help him.pray to heal n back the strong condition of him..thank you Jesus Christ..thanks to all...Amen
Good morning brothers and sisters..please help me praying for the early recovery of Henry Felix Symanski in his sickness...remove all the viruses and complications in his body..heal him and give him strength to fight in covid...please help him..Thanks
Gud evening brothers and sisters.. please help me praying for the early recovery of Henry Felix Symanski who is exposed in covid.. please heal him and back his strong health..thank you so much...
Good morning. Please help me praying to early recovery of Engr. Henry Felix Symanski from covid-19...he is under the care of Dr. Chan at Warsaw Poland Hospital...he is a goodman..a God-fearing man...please him heal and recover very soon...give him strong body to recover very soon...thank...