Jesus please let the swelling around my eye go down and my face and ear clear up from this cellulitis. Please let the check that didnt come today come Monday, and my father receive his package. Please also let my sister feel better. Thank you so much for letting me see my daughter today. Amen.
???Fasting? We all should pray with the edge of humbling ourselves before the Lord with fasting. Not as punishment but to get close to the Lord and incline His ear to hear our prayers. For speedy healing. To relieve oppression of ourself, others, by us, ect. With peace and calm in our midst and...
Dear Lord, Pray for us for who are in difficulties and for those who are going through some terrible times Pray for the person who have taken my money and continues to ask for monies Bless that person to return what is due to me dear lord You tell him what he has done to me is wrong Open his ear...
Dear God I'm here again begging you to make miracles kn how we can communicate again to each other, my love from across the miles. I know he's worried as I am. Please let us talk. I want to know how is he doing now. I need to monitor his condition.. Please keep him safe always dear God. Please...
Fasting breakthrough needed Lord hear my prayers, incline Your ear. Bring speedy healing let me move and run like a frisky calf charging out of it's stall. Help me humble myself and cling to You like a pair of shorts. Help those oppressed by my failures in health or productivity by helping me...
Strong healthy regenerated nails (on my hands and feet).
No trembling in my ear.
No pain, swelling, inflammation, abscess, cyst in my dental flesh. Everything healthy in my mouth.
Normal stomach acid. No gastritis. Everything healthy in my abdomen/stomach.
All inflammations get out of my...
Hallo I Tibin Thomas Easo, suffering from hearing loss problem and continuous ringing in my ear,which lead to depression, stress and effect in my work.please pray for you.
Please pray for me and my daughter she was stabbed in the lung and in pain and for me the doctors don't know what's wrong with me and I've got infection in my ear Thank you God bless.
My eye irritation and ear itching is feeling better today. Didn't fell any trouble today. Thanks for your all prayers. I want it to be like this all the time. Just fed-up ear itching everytime. Amen Thankew all for your prayers..🙏
No pain in the jaw, dental flesh or near of the ear.
No stomach nausea.
Normal diggestion. No diarrhea.
No gastritis.
Healed stomach.
Healed dental flesh, dental nerves, mouth flesh etc....
May the Lord our God grant me inner peace and joy. May He increase my
faith. May He hearken to give ear to my pleas for sound health and finances=
This I ask in Jesus Christ our Lord.
I have really bad OCD and depression. I have been trying medication but I’ve been having bad side effects to medication like my hair falling out, weight loss, and ear ringing. I pray that I can find a medication that has no side effects and will help me.
Please pray for my mom. She has been so sad and depressed everyday. She is broken and still heart broken over my ear her health is not very good. My dad cheated on her and she ended up having four mini strokes. Please pray for her she is deep need please pray that she finds a good friend or two...
i pray for wisdom,courage,understanding, ear to listen, a sound mind and body as i was able to write, to say the perfect answer for my upcoming exam in oet on february 20,2021. In Jesus Name with the intercession of mama mary, saint joseph,saint jude thaddeus.saint therese of the child jesus and...