Hello, please pray fir healing for me from choking on food tonight and healing fir my digestive system and no more choking on food or drinks it’s scary
Hello, please pray for all food to go down today and no more choking on food abs drinks and healing from acid reflux and healing over my marriage thank you
Hello, please pray for healing for my family and deliverance for me from choking on food and drinks and deliverance in our home from a demon or demons thank you I have aske a priest to in come over and say a house blessing hope this works
Hello, please pray for healing for me from acid reflux and gerd and all food and drinks to how down and deliverance from stress of dealing with Diane and Roxann and Aiden and Shawn’s past two with Roxann has caused stress and anxiety and depression I need major delivery
Hello, please pray for spells and witches and witchcraft spells to be removed from Shawn and myself and our family tonight and no more coughing and choking on food or drinks by witches or witchcraft or the devil or demons that all of it leaves immediately
I am brother Charles I need deliverance from alcohol and money don't stay in my hands. Each time I have money I will spend a lot on drinks. I need deliverance because I am tired to be a slave to sin
Please Almighty God, send me my desired foods and drinks in Jesus name. Dear Almighty God,you know what I want to eat now. Please Almighty God, send me my desired good foods and drinks as soon as possible in Jesus name. amen.