double vision

  1. Gwaenarenn

    I am Zahid I m 48 years ...

    I am Zahid I m 48 years I m suffering from brain tumor from last 2 years and I can't go to any work outside as I have double vision and imbalance problem so pray for me and I have female child of 15 years now and my wife is working in a private school and she is getting below 10 k every month,it...
  2. natasha2

    Eyes, vision - health, repair.

    Perfect vision near and far. Clear not blury vision No double vision (my father) - consequences of cataract, glaucoma and bad surgeries. Doctors warn of possible blindness. Lord reverse that evil process in Jesus name No cataract, glaucoma for anyone family. Healthy eyes. Normal blood...
  3. natasha2

    Eyes, vision

    Heathy eyes. Clear vision. Excellent eyesight Reading easily even the smallest letter. OUr vision better and better each and every day. The health of our eyes better and better each and every day, amen. No possible blindness for my father or for anyone in our family in the futur.e Healed...
  4. Miranda T

    cervical spine alignment, dizziness and double vision

    Pray that God will move the disc in my neck back to correct alignment, no more malrotation and compression on blood vessels or nerve. Pray that no more imbalance, dizziness and double vision, with stable blood pressure and strength to do daily work and continue my job. pray for clarity of my...
  5. Miranda T

    Healing of double vision, cervical spine and pelvis alignment

    Pray for reverse of the injury done by the Dr on my neck, pray for healing of the cervical spine and also C1 -C8 to be aligned, stable and disspearing of the double vision and my pelvis be aligned without any sacrum torsion and no displacement of the joints and also can sit, walk and stand...
  6. natasha2

    Health of me and my father

    Please pray for me and my father. Excellent eyesight. Healthy eyes. No cataract, glaucoma etc... Clear vision. No double vision for my father. No ppssible blindness for my father No prostate gland problems or sickness
  7. Des Denisse

    Please I humbly pray protect my eyesight ...

    Please I humbly pray protect my eyesight Lord. Protect my entire five senses. I pray that I am healthy from my five senses. Please protect me from going blind and from double vision. Don't let Satan touch my health. I humbly pray Psalm 91, Psalm 107:20, Jeremiah 29:11 2 Kings 20:1-6, 3 John...
  8. Ludwig

    Dear Heavenly Father, Please help me, heal ...

    Dear Heavenly Father, Please help me, heal my back pain and my right knee, my back hurt badly, I can barely walk, please heal my back pain and my right knee, thank you Jesus heal me completely and instantly. Please also mercy on Miranda, she is suffer double vision and SI joint inflammation and...
  9. Miranda T

    Healing - neck. pelvis,back and knee injuries and alignment. Double vision

    Pray that God heal me, Ludwig and Iris from injuries and alignment from cervical spine, upper back, lower back, pelvis, SI joints. All facets, joints and disc be aligned to correct alignment. Pray that we can keep warm n strong with good health in this winter and God heals laxity of ligament in...
  10. natasha2

    Eyes health, eyesight - me, family

    Healthy eyes. Excellent eyesight. Healthy eye and general blood pressure. Clear vision. For me and my mother, father and brother. Totaly renewed eyes, eyesight, eyeballs, cells of eyes regenerated and transformed into healthy. Consequenses of bad surgeries and double vision completely...
  11. Ludwig

    Dear Heavenly Father, please mercy on Miranda, ...

    Dear Heavenly Father, please mercy on Miranda, she is suffer double vision and SI joint inflammation and other pain for a long time, please heal her completely and instantly, please make alignment on her cervical spine, and stabilize her cervical spine, restore her health completely and back to...
  12. Miranda T

    healing of cervical spine alignment and double vision and fatigue

    In Jesus' name. Pray that my cervical spine, brain stem be aligned back to correct alignment, no more double vision (left and right), not more fatigue. My eyesight is returned to normal. Pray that no compression on the nerve, arteries, blood vessels, brain stem will carry proper messages from...
  13. Des Denisse

    My Lord I humbly pray please heal ...

    My Lord I humbly pray please heal me from strabismus. Please heal me from double vision and other eye disorders. My Lord I also humbly pray you heal my father J.C. from HA. In Jesus name, I humbly pray and ask this. Amen. Thank you for forgiveness, and especially answered prayers. In Jesus name...
  14. Ludwig

    Dear Heavenly Father, please help my friend ...

    Dear Heavenly Father, please help my friend Miranda, please strength her body to stable her pelvis and hip joints and lower back, heal her double vision, help her to find a nice and quiet place to stay. Please give her a job so that she can has stable income, Father please mercy on her and heal...
  15. Miranda T

    Healing - brain, neck, pelvis and hip

    Pray for brain and cervical spine injury, C1 to C7 of vertebra and also my pelvis and hips align and no compression to the brain Stem and arteries and no malrotation of spine. No more dizziness and body imbalance and double vision, no more pain when sit and walk. In Jesus' name. AMEN!
  16. Miranda T

    Healing - brain, neck and pelvis and hips

    Pray for brain and cervical spine injury, C1 to C7 of vertebra and also my pelvis and hips align and no compression to the brain Stem and arteries and no malrotation of spine. No more dizziness and body imbalance and double vision, no more pain when sit and walk. In Jesus' name. AMEN!
  17. Miranda T

    Healing - brain and neck

    Pray for brain and cervical spine injury, C1 to C7 of vertebra align and no compression to the brain Stem and arteries and no malrotation of spine. No more dizziness and body imbalance and double vision
  18. Miranda T

    Healing - neck n brain

    Pray for brain and cervical spine injury, C1 to C7 of vertebra align and no compression to the brain Stem and arteries and no malrotation of spine. No more dizziness and body imbalance and double vision
  19. Miranda T

    Healing - cervical spine alignment, blurred vision. Double vision

    Pray that God heals my neck C0-C7 back to alignment. No more imbalance like floating on boat, no more dizziness, fatigue, double vision, in Jesus' name.Amen!
  20. natasha2

    Eyes, me/ father health issues, eyes, aging

    Health of my eyes. Clear eyesight. Excellent near and far vision. All dammages repaired. I pray this for me and my family. Especially my father who has double vision and it threatens him blindness on one eye. Lord, intervene. He is in bad health recently, attacks on his health. I suppose...
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