Lord please please heal my stomach please in every way now in jesus name lord please please end all every suffering all every pain all inflamation acid reflux all nausea all every discomfort fat please lord in my whoke body stomach right now please lord never ever ever to return ever in jesus namess
Very very urgent lord please heal my whole stomach in every way now please lord end permantly please all every suffering all evety pain all every discomfort all tenderness all inflamation all acid reflux all nausea all fat please in my whole stomach body life permantly permantly rught now never...
Lord I ask you please please please heal my whole stomach please in every way now please lord end end permantly all everh suffering all every pain all inflamation all every discomfort all tenderness all every sickness dieases any bad bacteria acid reflux all nausea all fat please lord in mu...
Lord please please please end permantly all every suffering all every pain all inflamation acid reflux all nausea all fat all every discomfort in my whooe stomach body right now please permantly in jesus namess
Lord I ask you please please pleass heal my stomach please in every way now please lord end end end all every suffering all every pain all inflamation all every discomfort tenderness infirmity any bad bacteria all fat please in my whole stomach body right now please never ever ever to return...
Lord please please with all that I am please please heal my whole stomach in every single way now please bless these new tablets I am taking for my stomach to take pain away please please lord bless me please to get letter phine call right now without any delay to go for scope now right now no...
country: united kingdom
letter phone call
maje scope
new tablets
sickness disease
single way
stomach body life
tenderness acid
Lord please please plesse heal my whole stomach please in every way now in jesus name please lord end end please permantly all every suffering all every pain all every discomfort tenderness inflamation acid reflux all nausea all fat please lord in my stoma h body permantly now please never ever...
country: united kingdom
discomfortdiscomfort tenderness inflammation acid
stomach body
tenderness inflammation acid
Lord please please please heal my whole stomach plesse in every way now please bless me to get scope now please without any delay please lord end all every suffering all every pain all inflamation all every discomfort all tenderness all every sickness all every dieaess acid reflux all nausea all...
Very urgent please all pray lord please please heal my whole stomach in every way now please end all every suffering all every pain all inflamation all discomfort all tenderness acid reflux all fat please lord in my stomach permantly permantly permantly rught now never ever ever to return ever...
Lord please please bkess me please to get a letter or phine call to ho for stoma h scope please asap now without any delay bless scope to show up very clearly what's wrong with my stomach and for it to please please please be permantly healed lord I ask you please heal my whold stomach in every...
Lord please please please heal my stomach in every way now lord please end all every suffering all every pain all inflamation all tenderness all discomfort acid reflux all nausea all fat please permantly in my whole stomach body pre now please lord never ever ever to return in jesus namess
Lord please please please heal my whole stomach in every way now please in jesus name please lord end end all every suffering all every pain all inflamation acid reflux all nausea all tenderness all every discomfort all fat please lord in my whole stomach body permantly right now never ever ever...
Lord I ask you please please please heal my stomach in every single day now please lord in jesus name lord please please plesse end end all every suffering all every pain all every tenderness discomfort all inflamation acid reflux all nausea all fat all every sickness all infirmity all every bad...
Very very urgent please all pray lord plesse please heal my stomach totally completely please lord in every wat now please in jesus christ name lord please end end all every suffering all every pain all inflamation acid reflux all nausea all fat all tenderness all every discomfort all every...
bad bacteria
country: united kingdom
inflammation acid
sickness disease
sickness diseases
stomach body
Very urgent please please all pray lord I ask you please please heal my whole stomach please in every way now please lord end all every suffering all every pain all inflamation all every discomfort all tenderness acid reflux all nausea all fat please in my whole stomach body permantly permantly...
Lord please please please heal my stomach in every way now pleass lord end all every suffering all every pain all infkanstion all every discomfort all tenderness acid reflux all nausea fat please in my whole stomach body permantly permantly right bow never ever ever to return in jesus christ namess
Very very urgent please please all pray lord please please please end all every suffering all every pain all inflamation acid reflux all nausea all discomfort fat please in my whole stomach permantly permantly permantly permantly please right now never ever ever to return ever in jesus christ namess
Very very urgent please please all pray lord please please please ebd all every suffering all every pain all inflamation all tenderness all every discomfort all every sickness all every infirmity all acid reflux all nausea all misery fat please in my whole stomach body permantly permantly...
Lord please please please heal my stomach on every way now in jesus name please end all every suffering all every pain all inflammation all every sickness informory discomfort all tenderness all fat please in my whole stomach body permantly right now never ever ever to return ever in jesus...
Lord please please heal my whole stomach please in every way now please lord end permantly all every suffering all every pain all inflamation all discomfort acid reflux all nausea all fat please in my whole stomach permantly permantly right now please never ever ever to return ever now please in...