Dear Universe, God. Saints, Disciples - please prayer for me. The man I love has strayed with many women during our relationship. This time he has really fallen hard. I am begging you to have his heart find mine again and get Jennifer out of our lives. I am at my lowest of lows and I really need...
Dear Universe, God. Saints, Disciples - please prayer for me. The man I love has strayed with many women during our relationship. This time he has really fallen hard. I am begging you to have his heart find mine again and get Jennifer out of our lives. I am at my lowest of lows and I really...
Dear Universe, God. Saints, Disciples - please prayer for me. The man I live has strayed with many women during our relationship. This time he has really fallen hard. I am begging you to have his heart find mine again and get Jennifer out of our lives. I am at my lowest of lows and I really need...
Dear Universe, God. Saints, Disciples - please prayer for me. The man I live has strayed with many women during our relationship. This time he has really fallen hard. I am begging you to have his heart find mine again and get Jennifer out of our lives. I am at my lowest of lows and I really need...
I dont think so. Jesus went through a lot of pain and sorrow, He wanted all the disciples to see Him and overcome the pain He was going through. He said to Peter....
My heart is full of sorrow and breaking with sadness. Stay here with Me and watch.
Matt. 26.38
Pain is a constant in life...
Lord, I come before you, and ask you will deliver me from these trials. Protect me from the evil one and rebuke his mockery. Restore, speak, help, strengthen, and comfort by your Spirit. Protect me from the 4 things as well. Arise, and help those disciples that are to be trained under me and...
To be with the Lord for ages to come and to enjoy His holy presence along with millions of angels in glory and all the saints, the prophets and disciples of God. In the mean time, we should desire to be with the Lord right here on earth.
Holy Spirit flow through me.
And make my life what it...
In heaven above, all angels along with the elders, the prophets, the disciples and all the saints of God continue to sing praises to Jesus for Who He is and for what He has done for all human beings. On earth, angels from heaven are sent to us to tell us to glorify the name of the Lord because...
As the sun can be seeing by all of us by its own light, so our dear Lord can be known only by His Spiirit flowing through all of us.
Like flames of fire the Holy Spirit came to all disciples and filled them with power from on high.
Acts 2.3
Without the Spirit of the living God we can do...
I just had to chuckle a bit at the thought of just how inept the devil, and his disciples truly are. One of the major differences between God and Satan, is that while God is creator of all things, including the details of our testimony, Satan can only weasel his way into the details; as he...
Let us all come to His holy presence with praise to His name alone. He alone is worthy of all glory. All the disciples and saints in heaven continue to honor and praise the name of the Lord.
All glory, all honor and all praise shall be unto Him now and forever more.
Lord, since you said WHATEVER YOU ASK IN JESUS NAME IT WILL BE GIVEN TO YOU, i ask that you will make me the MASTER OF TIME, MATTER AND SPACE in Jesus name, to become supernatural and not only natural man. in Jesus name. Jesus and his disciples were masters of time, matter and space. ANd we are...
like I know, what He's done for me.
I don't "look like" much; nor do I appear to have much; but, once more and again, we judge not according to the outer cup. So exactly what has He done for me? Along with everything else . . .
Luke 10:23-24 And he turned him unto his disciples, and said...
Luke 18 Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. 2 He said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought. 3 And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me...
Dear Heavenly Father I ask that you hear the heart cry of Elisheba. Please heal her heart and her wounds from those who are not so kind. Remind her of when JESUS asked his disciples will you also leave me and they replied "to whom shall we go, for you have the words of eternal life. I ask that...
If you want to make disciples, do not give them a Bible and then go away. Discipling a person is a complicated thing and I am pretty sure I don't know how to do it even though it's a commandment. I only know how to plant seeds that God grows. It really is quite a process.
This is a hard question and the disciples knew this very well. A rich man, difficult to enter heaven. Love the riches and the materials póssesions and loose your soul because of that. Silver and gold will not enter heaven, we cannot take this with us to our glorious home. So, let us all...
Those who care for God's disciples, do so for Christ's sake; for such is to bring about God's plan.
Luke 22: 35) Then Jesus asked them, “When I sent you out to preach the Good News and you did not have money, a traveler’s bag, or an extra pair of sandals, did you need anything?” “No,” they...
Jesus knows everything about his death but still he question God that why did he left him ? What do you think the reason for ?
Jesus talks again about his death
32 Jesus and his disciples were walking along the road towards Jerusalem. Jesus was walking in front of them all. The disciples were...
When the disciples asked Jesus what the signs of the end will be, He said,"there will be wars and rumors of wars. and eartquakes in diverse places. Nation will rise against nation.And He said "When you see those things happen, lift up your head,for your deliverance draweth neigh."We see all...