
  1. natasha2

    Eardrum, stomach, teeth

    No trembling in my eardrum. Normal stomach acid and diggestion. No pain or inflammation in my dental flesh, no abscess, cyst, carrhies, plaque, tooth decay in Jesus name.
  2. natasha2

    Health - skin, stomach, teeth...

    Pure hydrated skin. Healthy stomach and diggestion. (No gastrointest generational sicknesses). Normal.stomach acid. Regular healthy menstrual.cycle and period. Healing of my teeth, dental flesh and all surrounding tissues. Healthy rejuvenated eyes. Clear 20/20 vision.
  3. natasha2

    Sleep, health.

    Chills, probably because of the diggestion. No pain or inflammation in my tooth. Normal heart beat. Not to fast. Relaxed body. So that i can sleep and go to work.
  4. natasha2


    No feeling of fever. Normal stomach acid. Normal diggestion. No diarrhea. No pain in the jaw, teeth, dental flesh, espcially right side. No feeling of chills. Good sweet sleep. Normal heart beat.
  5. natasha2

    No pain or inflammation; normal diggestion

    No pain or inflammation or unease in my body. Normal stomach acid. Normal diggestion.
  6. Glaslion

    Please help my father (Tommy M.) who ...

    Please help my father (Tommy M.) who is suffering from leukemia . Increase his energy and stamina. Improve his blurry vision, and improve his appetite and digestion. I ask of you prayers that will result in his total recovery . And so it is and so shall it be! Thanks and may you receive...
  7. natasha2

    No pain jaw, healed stomach

    No pain in the jaw, dental flesh or near of the ear. No stomach nausea. Normal diggestion. No diarrhea. No gastritis. Healed stomach. Healed dental flesh, dental nerves, mouth flesh etc....
  8. natasha2

    Gastritis; menstr cycle

    No nausea. No diarrhea. NOrmal diggestion. No pain in my teeth or dental flesh or jaw. Normal moderate period.
  9. natasha2

    Smoke; Pms, gastritis, online school classes

    PLease pray that this terrible smoke will go away. Someone is burning something. Its very distracting and unpleasant. Also pray that my diggestion and reproductive system will be fine. Gastritis, pms. Very effective in my online school classes. I am a teacher.
  10. Haimatekeksos

    Prayer for my one month old grandaughter ...

    Prayer for my one month old grandaughter who is still in hospital she was born primee she having problem with digestion of her milk.waiting on MRI test to return.Thank you!
  11. natasha2

    Healthy stomach, good life

    Please pray 1) no gastritis, normal acid, healthy stomach and diggestion, no anxieties or worries, no irritations, inflammations in my throat stomach body 2) healthy, joyfull and prosperous life
  12. natasha2

    Nausea gastric issues

    Please pray that my diggestion will be good. I paniqued this morning about my health (irregular menstr bleedng) and it affected my diggestion. (Feeling some kind of nausea and boiling, pray against diarrhea and for catching up a sleep). Please pray for my overall health, harmony, peace...
  13. natasha2

    Health, menstr cycle, no period please

    Pleass pray 1) that i will regular and normal period and menstrual cycle 2) that this bleeding will stop. Becausw my peeiod was to long and it stoped for 3 days yesterday evening again excessive, today better but still... 3) normalization of my hormons 4) removing of nervosity fear, anxiety...
  14. natasha2

    Relaxed healthy body, hormonal balance

    1) nervosity gone 2) hormonal balance 3) normal periods(not to long or excessive) 4) regular periods 5) healthy female organs 6) everything that is not of Jesus in my body be removed or dissolved - evil.spirits, growths, anything bad... 7) healthy peaceful.stomach and diggestion 8) normal...
  15. Llastalimp

    Pls pray for healing of my brain.All ...

    Pls pray for healing of my brain.All nervers and tissues are not functioning well . There's swelling in my both feets My digestation is not well.Amen to lord Jesus.🙏🏻
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