Please pray for me to never lose my job at starfinder Optical. Please pray for me to never make any mistakes when doing my refraction and measurements and also ordering. Please pray for me to never get any customer complains so that I do not cause discomfort nor difficulties to others. Please...
i am getting bitter and resentful over the challanges and difficulties of life pls make sure that things finally go well for me that i have the best and am able to be successful, make lots of money, go back to the law school of my choice (with a full scholarship), have the respect of others...
GOD, i need you.
GOD. I'm having difficulties on my job. My director is bias and does not listen to my side of the story. GOD, protect me and my job. In Jesus Christ Almighty Name Amen 🙏
Lord I lift my cares to You. You alone know the difficulties we all face. The Bible teaches us to give our cares to You. Lord You know my worries with Katie and my worries with work. I give You all my cares and I thank You for guiding us and being there for us every day. Also Lord You will is...
I am working to build a new church in my village, Bonga in Rai Coast District Madang Province, Papua New Guinea. I am having difficulties removing people who are occupying the area for the church building. I am also finding ways to raise funds for the church building. Can you help pray for the...
Please pray for my Aunt Rhonda. She is very sick with the flu. Please pray that she is healed from this illness as soon as possible without any problems, difficulties, or complications. I am asking these prayers in Jesus Christ’s sweet name I pray. Amen.
Please pray for me to never lose my job. Please pray for me to always get the correct refraction and measurements. Please pray for me to never make any mistakes when doing my job. Please pray for me to never bring difficulties to anyone. Please pray for me to really help my patients see better...
Please pray for our dog, Riley who gets surgery today. Please pray that the lump is removed easily and that it is benign. Pray that there are no problems, difficulties, or complications. I am asking all these prayers I pray tonight in Jesus Christ’s sweet name I pray. Amen.
Please pray for me to never lose my job. Please pray for me to never get any customer complains. Please pray for me to always get all the refraction and measurements correctly. Please pray for me to never make any mistakes when it comes to my job so that I may not cause difficulties to others...
Dear Lord today I feel the hope that one day all this difficulties will end. I just can't explain this feeling inside me. I'm quite positive that I this hope will not change tomorrow when I wake up. Thank you for another day waking up with out any discomfort. But I still continue to pray until I...
Dear God today I am very depressed, afraid. I don't know what's going to happen to me. But I still have faith that you will not forsake me in my battle im this life. All this difficulties that I am facing makes me weak and not able to think straight because I am so tired of being like this. I...
I want to be able to buy the apartment where I live. He allows me to rent it but even for that I have difficulties now. But my family lives in the building next door and it is a safe place. I live alone. And that the landlady does not raise my rent. My name is Lucrecia from Mexico.
Dear God it's the day that I am afraid. My landlady is asking for payment but I don't have any money to pay them. Even if I have few it isn't enough what they are asking. I just don't know what to do or where will I go. Please help me. Give me wisdom to solve this. Only in You God I'm holding to...
IJN prayers for the elderly all over the world to feel God’s love, be respected, those who are living by themselves, and experiencing the difficulties of aging. Lord, we ask that you would be a source of comfort our elderly, grant them an intimate awareness of Your presence, the knowledge that...
IJN prayers for the elderly all over the world to feel God’s love, be respected, those who are living by themselves, and experiencing the difficulties of aging. Lord, we ask that you would be a source of comfort our elderly, grant them an intimate awareness of Your presence, the knowledge that...
Please pray for me as I am having difficulties to pay my house rent . I am serving in His kingdom and I know this is very little miracle for my God to do . Please pray for me and my ministry and for my family. I am having three kids
Please pray for me to be able to pass all the difficulties and their oppressive treatment for today. Please pray for me to stay away from malicious and hurtful people who just want to damage my reputation. Please pray for me to be able to have a lot of customers who will not exploit me but would...
Dear Lord heal my mind and soul. Give peace to me and my family. Give me strength and faith to overcome difficulties. You know what’s going on in mind. In Jesus name Amen.
Dear God I can't carry all these difficulties I am facing right now financially they're every where left and right. I am almost can't breathe on where I am supposed to start to finish it. I really don't know what to do. I surrender this to you my Lord I'm so tired of being restless d scared &...