Some things have changed from the past, but I would like to see them come back--one, you used to get a PERSON on the phone, now you get a recording and if they don't undrerstand your question, you're stalled in place and {unlike in the past} if you request a person or press zero,they...
country america english
country: united states
english feel
english speaking american
english speaking country
hard time
invalid entry
modern day people
official language
person communication
second change
wrong info
Please pray for me I am facing a seasons of realizing lots of rejections, cheatings and fallen of friendships in my life, I got PTSD and memory loss, I am alone in overseas and undergo lots of physical and mental pain because of malpractice of doctors of my pelvis injury. Pray for my healing, so...
country: hong kong
country: taiwan
covid 19 testing
job health marriage
joint inflammation muscle
ligaments pain
light hard board
lots of physical
lots of rejections cheatings
malpractice of doctors
memory loss
mental pain
mistreat cheating
pelvis injury