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  1. Thavhud

    Praying for my dad

    I prayed and I prayed and god didn’t help My dad. He died on Saturday, not able to Talk or open his eyes or squeeze my hand. There has been so much sadness and pain in my life that I can’t believe god did this to me. I lost multiple babies, had a stillborn, been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer...
  2. Mary

    Hi, I beg you to pray for ...

    Hi, I beg you to pray for my daughter who is addicted to herione. She’s struggling and doesn’t have the desire to get clean. I’m very sick with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Small Fiber Peripheral Neuropathy, PTSD, and several other things. She’s supposed to be my caretaker and didn’t even...
  3. Jaynes1234

    My Prayers

    God, All things are possible with you. I pray for Israel and America always and all the people who live in our countries, I pray we are always under God. I pray for a banana to come back from being extinct, it is called a Gros Michel Banana. I have been reading about them, and they say they are...
  4. Apthozhann

    Pleasepray my dad sees clearly that he ...

    Pleasepray my dad sees clearly that he stole my time by forcing me to do that career,and he has no right to cut me out of the will. He didn’t get me trained and although I did super well I didn’t end up being the big star he wanted. Please pray he accepts he exploited me completely and that I...
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