Hello, please pray fir God to close the doors to evil and gossip with Roxann and Diane getting into my personal space and my business concerning my marriage abs my family today thank you
Hello, please pray fir people like Roxann and Diane to stop getting into our personal business and for my husband Shawn to be smart about dealing with these people so they can’t get into our business
Hello, please pray fir hea abs salvation abs deliverance fir Roxann and Diane and Aiden today also that they couldn’t hurt us anymore by trying to break up my marriage abs my family
Hello, please pray fir Aiden and Roxann and Diane to stop coming inbetween Shawn and I and to stop causing problems at the schools for us and spreading lies and gossip to stop abruptly
Hello, thank for things to turn around for good today and for Diane for her salvation and healing abs deliverance from all evil and all witchcraft spells