Hello Pastor,I'm Diana from Hyderabad,India
My dad George is infected with covid19 and has diabetes and his oxygen saturation is low.Please Pray for him
Jesus please lay yr hands upon Diana as she has her 21st birthday party tonite. Please make everything go smoothly with yr grace & blessings.Please grant my mother in law gd health.I place my petition in yr hands dear Jesus & await yr blessings.Amen
Thank you prayer warriors for all yr prayers, my daughter passed her Semester 2 Law exams.Please continue to keep Diana in yr prayers to hv a bright future.
Please pray for my family unity. My husband is having extra martial affairs. now i am made redundant from my job as well. Very much upset. I have rents to pay n kids to take off. Husband is not paying the rent. Please pray for me. My name is Diana
For Diana and for my Lucrecia. We have a prayer group and she will pray today but yesterday she had to pray but we could not we feel very bad atshe and I And the group does not have patience with her because she is learning. That they value Diana and support it. And that we find more...
I'm diana I'm suffering from head ringing,headache,swelling in the face,need some prayers atlist to sleep at night I'm suffering,I don't sleep at all pls help me Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
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