
  1. Blessings1964

    2 Corinthians 4:9 Cast Down But Not Destroyed

    7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. 8 We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9 Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; Thank you GOD
  2. Blessings1964


    GOD this morning I have nothing but feelings of despair. All I want to do is crawl into a dark place. I'm hopeless and fearful that life for me will never change. GOD i've cried, prayed, seeked, and im still lost. GOD what do you want me to do? My heart is shattered into a million pieces so I...
  3. Xuchorg

    Pray for God's intervention and miracle with ...

    Pray for God's intervention and miracle with us, please, that my friends would be delivered from a terribly monstrous situation of despair and pain. May God send His Light and save...... granting my friends their freedom and another chance to start anew. Their three mates are in this with them...
  4. yorkie26

    I am in debt on our home ...

    I am in debt on our home and facing a court case from the Bank. I have a strong addiction ( smoking). I very often feel despair. I just do not know what I can ask of almighty God at this stage.
  5. Articles

    Today's Verse - Matthew 9:12 (KJV)

    But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. —Matthew 9:12 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... Why did Jesus associate with sinners? Because we need him to associate with us! What's the most crucial part of that truth: Jesus'...
  6. Anonymous

    Evening prayer warriors, please pray fo my ...

    Evening prayer warriors, please pray fo my peace of mind. I am in despair, I feel lost.
  7. Moshlyo

    Dear God, please heal the broken people, ...

    Dear God, please heal the broken people, make well the sick, restore happiness to these in despair,bring love to the lonely,food to the hungry and Peace to the world, thank you Lord.
  8. Des Denisse

    My Lord, forgive us all our sins. ...

    My Lord, forgive us all our sins. My Lord, I humbly pray, for those who are suuffering from severe depression, and are feeling suicidal. I pray, Lord, that you bless them to cry out to you, a loved, one and to seek professional help. My Lord, I humbly pray, for those who are mentally ill. Please...
  9. SAMV

    May Y and I be lifted out ...

    May Y and I be lifted out of despair, may the Lord send some much needed encouragement in the midst of turmoil and confusion; in Jesus' Name. Amen.
  10. Godblessmyfamily

    Pray for Emily to turn her eyes heart to Jesus

    Please pray for Emily to come closer to Jesus. Please Lord heal her from despair and depression and negative thoughts about live. Lord thank you creation you have created. In name of Jesus I declare life joy overcoming depression and panic attacks. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayers
  11. Cartangoth

    I prayed for your requests and mine. ...

    I prayed for your requests and mine. I read today in Matt 14-28, the Parable of the Bags of Gold that our behavior to prosper our talents whatever it may be such as keep going in faith through pain, feelings of helplessness and despair or illness and tough family situations and resources will...
  12. Lizzie Storm

    I am struggling with doubt, I pray ...

    I am struggling with doubt, I pray and pray and pray, try everything and I feel jesus doesnt care and this evil spirits will never leave me alone. I feel as though his name and blood doesnt work anymore. Please pray for me for good peaceful sleep for once and peace of mind. I'm fa,ling into despair
  13. Blessings1964

    GOD thank you.

    GOD thank you for giving me a safe place to sleep, Food to eat, clothes on my back, and much more. GOD Thank you for everything in these times of heartache and despair. GOD where would i be without you?
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