Excellent 20/20 vision.
Clear eyesight.
No cataract or glaucoma.
Health of teeth and dental flesh.
No cysts, abscesses, carrhies, plaque...
New miracle teeth wherever its safe or needed.
Miracolusly repaired teeth.
Hair voluminous luxuriant dense like it used to be year ago.
Getting out of debt.
Financial prosperity.
Trippled salary.
Dream job/business/ministry, the best will of God.
Heatlh of teeth and dental flesh.
No cysts, abscesses, carrhies, plaque...
No tooth decay but strong white shiny healthy impeccable...
Health of my stomach.
Normal stomach acid.
No gastritis, acid reflux or heartburn.
Healthy teeth and dental flesh.
Strong healthy luxuriant voluminous thick dense hair like it used to be year ago.
No falling off.
Healthy eyes.
No cataract or glaucoma.
Excellent 20/20 vision.
Clear vision.
Healthy eyes. Excellent 20/20 vision.
No blury but clear vision.
No cataract, glaucoma or any other eye desease.
Luxuriant voluminous dense hair like it used to be year ago.
No falling off.
Strong not fragile hairs.
Thick not thin hairs.
New miracle teeth growing wherever its safe and...
Healthy teeth and dental flesh.
No swelling, cyst, abscess, carrhies, plaque, inflammation, irritation...
White strong healthy perfeclty aligned beautiful teeth.
New miracle teeth wherever its needed and safe.
Healthy strong voluminous luxuriant thick dense hair like it used to be.
Dental flesh healed.
No cysts, abscesses, swellings.
Hair strong (not fragile), healthy (no falling off), voluminous, luxuriant (not thin).
Hair like it used to be year ago.
Lord, remove the cause of those problems (fear, menopause, minerals, vitamins, hormons, generational...
1) good sweet sleep
2) no swelling or pain in my dental flesh, nothing irriatiting me in my mouth
3) No iriitation of inflammation of the stomach
4) normal stomach acid
5) no noise in my neighbourhood of any kind
Dental flesh and surrounding tissues totaly healthy.
No cysts, swellings, abscesses.
Pray that i will keep all of my teeth.
Strong healthy white shiny perfectly aligned whole teeth.
New teeth growing where its safe and needed.
Detoxified and healthy everything in my mouth, dental flesh and stomach.
No more measures against Covid that block me and people in general to go to the concerts, cinemas, theatres, events, health care, administration etc.
Truth coming to the surface about real knowledge about Covid 19. No...
Everything in my mouth healed.
No irritations, inflammations, swellings.
Everything in my dental flesh healed.
No cysts, swellings or tooth abscesses.
White shiny strong healthy teeth and dental flesh, amen.
Everything in my mouth detoxified, amen.
All dammage from stomach acid or other...
Voluminous luxuriant strong healthy hair(s).
No unnecessary or unhealthy falling off.
Healthy teeth and dental flesh.
Everything that is not of God in my mouth be removed in Jesus name.