
  1. Dunlewen


    Dennis called he is just walking the streets Colorado and we can not go get him the roads are to bad he has no idea so please stay close to Dennis and keep him safe he is really flipping out he has a lot of problem pleas e keep him safe jess Christ I love my son and don't went anything to happen...
  2. Dunlewen


    My son on the streets somewhere in Colorado and Jess Christ please keep Dennis safe and healthy and angles around him he needs you to be there for my son think you
  3. Dunlewen

    Pray for my son

    Dennis was in jail on a work release and left the jail and never went back so they are looking for dennis please stay close to Dennis and keep him safe I pray he goes back and turn his self in please keep him safe thank you god amada
  4. Anonymous


    He is with out his medicine and he having a hard time he is in jail please stay close to Dennis and keep him safe and healthy and angles around him thank you Jesus Christ
  5. Dunlewen


    Dennis needs his med really bad
  6. Dunlewen


    Please keep Dennis safe and healthy and angles around him
  7. Valfyl

    Pray for my son Dennis

    Jesus Christ sometimes I get so scared because my son is in jail and you can't not find out anything about tham so when he sayes I will call you back and he doesn't I get so scared that something happens to him and than I have to pray to you Jess Christ so I can make it threw the night and...
  8. Valfyl

    Pray for Dennis

    I found out today that as long as Dennis is in the whole in jail I can not talk to him or Tex him so jess Christ please keep me him safe and healthy please I can not talk to my son for two weeks that is so sad I mean sad I pray that Dennis makes it threw this amada
  9. Valfyl

    Praying for you tson dennis

    Jess Christ please pray for Dennis his PTSD kick in today and he was put in the hole for two weeks so I hope he can make please keep him safe and healthy and angles around him because he can not get out of the hole for two weeks a person with PTSD and bi popular can not be looked up like that it...
  10. Valfyl

    Pray for Dennis

    Dennis findly called me from jail I was so happy Jess Christ Dennis needs you to give him streathing to make it threw this long jail sents if that yout will please give him streathing to get thew this please keep him safe and healthy and angles around him god he need you so bad my son is a good...
  11. Valfyl

    Pray for dennis

    Jess Christ please keep Dennis safe and healthy and ngive him please I pray that my son gets a hold of me he is still jail I hope he pick up his tablet and gets a hold of me I can't help him if I can't talk to Dennis think for watching over Dennis he need you problem feels all lone I love my son...
  12. Valfyl

    Pray for dennis

    Have heard nothing from my son I have cent letter and email but no response from my son so don't anything so I guess he does went to talk to me Dennis is still in jail he has to open his tablet to see all my email and Dennis has not turned is tabler on Jess Christ I wished he would turn his...
  13. Valfyl

    Pray for dennis

    Jess Christ I miss my son so much and I Hope he is ok and jess Christ is by his side iwieshed we were home like it use to be before my older children thew Dennis on the street it is sad Dennis took of than for al lot of years and they were in there early fifty pleas jess Chris be by my son on...
  14. Valfyl

    Pray for dennis

    Found out today Dennis has court again on December 3 don't know why it just showed up will never see my son before I die can't seem to get a message to him so I don't know if he is ok or not they will not telme anything about Dennis when I. Call the jail they will not help me get a hold of him...
  15. Valfyl

    Pray for my son

    Jess Christ I wanted to pray for my son I pray that they are not mistreating Dennis in jail I miss him so much I have not heard from Dennis for a long time pleaser stay closet Dennis and keep angles around him and keep him safe and healthy than you jess christ
  16. Valfyl

    Pray or Dennis

    Jess. Chris please pray for my son Dennis he need you close to Dennis and keep him safe and healthy and angles around him I pray that he is getting my messages just don't know I pray my son Texas me soon I love him so much thank for watching over Dennis and keep angles around him thank you Amanda
  17. Valfyl

    Pray for dennis

    Jess Christ I wanted to pray for my son Dennis he is in jail for a year please keep him safe and healthy and angles around him thank you I can't seem to get a hold of him and iam so worried about him jess Christ please help him and me I can't seem to guiet crying please stay close to us amada
  18. Valfyl

    Pray for dennis

    Jess Christ today I did not good on my health I have lumps in one of my breast and under my arm and my hearing iamloseing so I pray that Dennis will find a way to Tex me before I have to go have serguar on my ears and breast I don't know how to talk to my son before I have to go get all this...
  19. Valfyl


    Jess Christ my son will be in jail a year I pray that he tex me soon he must be mad at me or he is not getting my messages please stay close to Dennis and keep angles around him I loved my son and miss him so much
  20. Valfyl

    Pray for Dennis

    I wented to pray for my son who is in jail please keep him safe and healthy and keep angles around him thank you jess Christ still have not heard from Dennis yet just have to keep praying that he will Tex me back I jove my son so much he probably blaim me because he was left on the street...
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