Heavenly father pls free me from all demonic strongholds all bad dreams all nightmares all demonic covenants and all spiritual attacks and all mental illness and all curses all intrusive thoughts all negative thoughts all negativity all mind control from all evil all wickedness all witchcraft...
bad dreams
country: unknown
demonic covenants
evil person
heavenly father
mental illness
mind control
precious name
spiritual attacks
heavenly father pls protect me this night. Pls protect me from demonic attacks satanic attacks witchcraft attacks witchcraft spells evil eye demonic forces demonic strongholds curses spiritual attacks. Pls give me peaceful rest this night. In JESUS name. AMEN.
heavenly father pls break & destroy & burn all demonic strongholds in my life. Pls break & destroy & burn all porography all adultery all lust. Pls remove all the disgrace & negative things from my past & come into my life. In JESUS name. AMEN.
heavenly father pls break & destroy & burn all demonic strongholds in my life. Pls break & destroy & burn all porography all adultery all lust. Pls remove all the disgrace & negative things from my past & come into my life. In JESUS name. AMEN.
heavenly father pls break & destroy & put to death all demonic activity in my life all powers of darkness all demonic strongholds all evil spirits all demonic spirits all types of evil. Pls let me receive peaceful sleep whenever I go take naps. Pls make my mind godly & pure. pls make my thinking...
MY LORD pls burn & condemn all demonic activity in my life including all demonic strongholds all witchcraft & all curses & idolatry & sin. Pls help me to always live holy life. Pls continue give me tha strength to continually fight against satan & his demons & against witchcraft against evil...
Deliverance & protection from evils, from mind control, from insanity, from curses, from demonic spirits, from evil spirits, from soul ties, from satanic spirits, from wicked spirits, from spirits of disobedience, from spirits of rebellion, from spirits of no repentance, from spirits of...
MY LORD pls set me free from spirit of disobedience from spirit of rebellion from evil eye from spirit of witchcraft from demonic strongholds from satanic strongholds from demonic spirits from satanic spirits. I really have trouble getting along with people & my parents & I refuse to listen to...
MY LORD please rescue me protect me from evil from witchcraft from evil people from wickedness from sin. Please protect me from demonic mindset from satanic mindset from demonic strongholds from satanic strongholds.
MY LORD please deliver & rescue me from demonic oppression from satanic oppression from demonic strongholds from satanic strongholds from demonic possession from satanic possession from demonic mindsets from satanic mindsets from evil from witchcraft from wickedness. Please forgive me of all my...
Pls MY LORD pls remove all evil all witchcraft all wickedness from all witchcraft spells from all monitoring spirits from all addictions all demonic spirits from all evil spirits all satanic spirits all demonic strongholds all satanic strongholds all curses all demonic forces all evil forces all...
MY LORD pls protect me from all demonic spirits all satanic spirits all demonic strongholds all satanic strongholds all evil all witchcraft all witchcraft spells. I want these things to leave me alone. Pls protect me against all demonic forces all & all evil forces & satanic forces. Please...
MY LORD please protect me this night. Please protect my whole residence. Please break & burn all ungodly soul ties & all evil & all demonic activity & all satanic activity & all wickedness & all demonic & all evil forces & all demonic forces & all demonic strongholds all satanic strongholds all...
MY LORD please destroy the strong witchcraft spirit in my life. Please destroy all demonic strongholds all satanic strongholds all wicked strongholds all types & forms of evil & wickedness & all forms of witchcraft in my life & please save me & protect me from anger & rage. Please forgive me of...
anger rage
country: unknown
evil wickedness
forms of witchcraft
past present future sins
past present future sins iniquities
satanic strongholds
strong witchcraft spirit
types forms of evil wickedness
wicked strongholds
I have been fighting demonic attacks satanic attacks enemy attacks witchcraft attacks evil thoughts playing mind games with people spirit of antichrist & gluttonous spirit spirit of anger spirit of rage wanting to fight everyone in my life rebellious spirit being stubborn demonic strongholds...
Deliverance from all witchcraft & rebellion & witchcraft in the workplace. HEAVENLY FATHER please break & destroy all witchcraft all demonic activity & spiritual warefare in me & my life & please break & destroy all demonic strongholds all satanic strongholds in me & in my life & please break &...
I pray for forgiveness Lord Christ Jesus Holy Spirit for I know You want me to follow all Your commandments but we know I'm not perfect. Lord Christ Jesus Holy Spirit don't let satan try to use my prayers or life as demonic strongholds. Eviscerate any satanic influence over me. Burn the chains...
I want to thank and praise the Lord because of answered prayers. I am still waiting for the big breakthrough and its especially tough right now (spiritual warfare) but many times when I cry out for help on here He sends quick help. Thank you Lord Jesus. All glory, praise and honor be unto you. I...