demonic spirits

  1. Anonymous

    Pls MY LORD pls remove all evil ...

    Pls MY LORD pls remove all evil all witchcraft all wickedness from all witchcraft spells from all monitoring spirits from all addictions all demonic spirits from all evil spirits all satanic spirits all demonic strongholds all satanic strongholds all curses all demonic forces all evil forces all...
  2. Anonymous

    MY LORD pls protect me from all ...

    MY LORD pls protect me from all demonic spirits all satanic spirits all demonic strongholds all satanic strongholds all evil all witchcraft all witchcraft spells. I want these things to leave me alone. Pls protect me against all demonic forces all & all evil forces & satanic forces. Please...
  3. Anonymous

    MY LORD please cleanse protect & purify ...

    MY LORD please cleanse protect & purify my home & myself from all monitoring spirits from all witchcraft spells from all witchcraft from all demonic spirits all evil spirits all satanic spirits from all rats all mouses all insects all evil animals all wicked spirits all evil eye.
  4. Anonymous

    MY LORD please help me to stop ...

    MY LORD please help me to stop playing mind games with people. Please help me to not sin over & over again. Please help me to be perfect & without sin. Please save me. Please cleanse me & purify me. Please protect me from manipulation & retaliation & from the enemy's attacks from demonic spirits...
  5. Anonymous

    Please I'm in need of deliverance from ...

    Please I'm in need of deliverance from demonic oppression from demonic possession from insanit y from laughing for no reason from mental illness from demonic spirits from evil spirits from satanic spirits from wicked spirits. I need the LORD to help me to shut doors to all unclean spirits.
  6. Anonymous

    LORD please protect me this morning. Protect ...

    LORD please protect me this morning. Protect me from evil from witchcraft from sin from temptation from all demonic spirits & all wickedness & all evil spirits & all satanic spirits & all ungodly things & all ungodly people & all wicked things.
  7. Lorlia

    Release from generational, bloodline and name related ...

    Release from generational, bloodline and name related evil and demonic spirits
  8. Anonymous

    MY LORD I committ my house into ...

    MY LORD I committ my house into YOUR protection. Please protect my house from demonic spirits evil spirits satanic spirits witchcraft demonic forces evil forces mouses rats satanic forces please break & condemn & burn all evil devices all evil things in my house. Please cleanse & purify &...
  9. Anonymous

    MY LORD please forgive me of my ...

    MY LORD please forgive me of my past present & future sins & iniquities. Please deliver protect me from spirit of pornography, pornography, from witchcraft, from gluttonous spirit, strong-man spirit, from playing mind games with people, from hatred, from bitterness, from resentment, from...
  10. Anonymous

    MY LORD please forgive me of my ...

    MY LORD please forgive me of my past present & future sins. Please cleanse & purify me with YOUR precious blood. Protect me rescue me cleanse me & purify me from witchcraft from evil from from evil people from the enemy from evil spirits from demonic spirits from satanic spirits from witches...
  11. Anonymous

    MY LORD please forgive me of my ...

    MY LORD please forgive me of my past present & future sins. Please cleanse & purify me with YOUR precious blood. Protect me from witchcraft from evil from from evil people from the enemy from evil spirits from demonic spirits from satanic spirits from witches protect me from bitterness idolatry...
  12. Anonymous

    HEAVENLY FATHER please protect me from witchcraft ...

    HEAVENLY FATHER please protect me from witchcraft from spirit of antichrist, from demonic spirits, from satanic spirits, from evil spirits, from unclean spirits, from manipulation from retaliation, from evil thoughts from wicked thoughts from evil people evil thoughts. Please forgive me of all...
  13. Anonymous

    I had a terrible dream & just ...

    I had a terrible dream & just woke up. HEAVENLY FATHER please protect me from spiritual warfares from all evil all supernatural forces from all demonic forces from all satanic forces in the heavenly places & all demonic spirits & all evil spirits & all satanic spirits & spirits of rejection...
  14. Anonymous

    HEAVENLY FATHER please remove & cast & ...

    HEAVENLY FATHER please remove & cast & out all demonic spirits all all evil spirits all satanic spirits rats, mouses,unclean spirits hovering around in my home. Please dip & protect my home in YOUR precious blood. Protect me tonight.
  15. Anonymous

    I have mice & rats in my ...

    I have mice & rats in my house. Need the Blood of JESUS to come upon my house destroy & kill all the mice & rats in my house & destroy & condemn all evil spirits all demonic spirits all satanic spirits. Plead the precious Blood of JESUS upon my house.
  16. Anonymous

    Father God, I intend that you change ...

    Father God, I intend that you change me for the better. i intend that you make me smarter, stronger, wiser, nicer, attentive, social, friendlier, approachable, understanding. I pray that you bless me with better memory, communication, comprehension. Need to be delivered & free from demonic...
  17. Anonymous

    Protection from evil spirits, demonic spirits unclean ...

    Protection from evil spirits, demonic spirits unclean spirits demonic possession demonic oppression insanity, mental illness mental retardation from horoscopes from zodiac signs from witchcraft from tarot psychics from palm readings from prostitution from occult from illuminati schizophrenia...
  18. Anonymous

    I continually keep having thoughts of evil ...

    I continually keep having thoughts of evil people wicked people unholy people ungodly people & bad people & thoughts of the devil thoughts of witches thoughts of witchcraft thoughts of demons thoughts of demonic spirits thoughts of satanic spirits thoughts of uncleanness thoughts of unclean...
  19. Tertaion

    please agree with me in prayer for ...

    please agree with me in prayer for victory in every situation am dealing with and also for my cousins deliverance from mental illness and demonic spirits. thanks
  20. Jesika

    Please pray for my niece JASMINE and my would be Madhup and for me and for all our family members

    Please pray for my niece so that her fever will come down and protection from all the demonic spirits and please pray for my would be Madhup and for me and for all our family members tonight sound sleep and good health...please and for my work...please 🙏🙏
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