Heavenly father pls cleanse me and forgive me of all sins. Pls deliver me from witchcraft. Pls uproot and crush and destroy and put to death all witchcraft in me and in my life. That I will stop and practicing and committing idolatry witchcraft and evil and wickedness and sin in my heart and in...
heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins. pls uproot and destroy and put to death all idolatry witchcraft anger rage hatred unforgiveness familiar spirits and all sins and all demonic activities and all nightmares and all demonic forces and all addictions and all...
heavenly father pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins. pls uproot and destroy and put to death all idolatry witchcraft anger rage hatred unforgiveness familiar spirits and all sins and all demonic activities and all nightmares and all demonic forces and all satanic forces and...
Heavenly father pls help me that I will seek u much more than anyone or anything and that my heart will long for u and seek u much much more than anyone or anything. Pls crush all demonic activities all nightmares spiritual attacks evil wickedness evil eye witchcraft familiar spirits. Pls be my...
Heavenly father that my heart will be fully committed to u at all times. Pls crush and destroy and put to death all demonic activities all witchcraft all mind control and playing mind games Amen. That Satan and his evil angels and his attacks and all sin and all repetitive sin and all evil and...
Heavenly father pls really destroy and really put to death in my life all witchcraft familiar spirits evil wickedness anger rage demonic activities satanic covenants evil connections spells hexes bad habits intrusive thoughts evil thoughts wicked thoughts vexes curses marital curses evil eye...
Heavenly pls destroy and put to death all demonic activities in my life. Pls cast Satan and his demons and all witchcraft and all his attacks and all satanic attacks and all spiritual attacks out of my life. Pls break and destroy and put to death all generational curses all curses all yokes all...
Heavenly pls destroy and put to death all demonic activities in my life. Pls cast Satan and his demons and all witchcraft and all his attacks and all satanic attacks and all spiritual attacks out of my life. Pls break and destroy and put to death all generational curses all curses all yokes all...
Heavenly need total Deliverance from evil eye from all demonic activities all witchcraft activities all demonic covenants all bondages intrusive thoughts evil thoughts evil intentions bad intentions wicked thoughts demonic attacks spiritual attacks bad dreams nightmares sicknesses nauseous...
Total Removal of all evil spirits demonic spirits demonic activities satanic spirits all familiar spirits from my home. Deliverance from all familiar spirits. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.
Constant deliverance from sickenesses of all types from abnormalities from immaturity from demonic activities from failures from evil mindsets from demonic mindsets craziness from insanity from mental illnesses from strongholds from bondages from curses. Pls set me free heavenly father. I wish I...
heavenly father I need all demons cast out of me all witchcraft cast out of me. I need all demonic activities in my life to be destroyed & all demonic covenants in my life destroyed. I need all negative soul ties in my life broken. I need to be set free from all addictions including addiction to...
country: unknown
demonicactivitiesdemonic covenants
evil eye
evil satanic secular song
heavenly father
mind control
mind games
negative soul ties
travis scott
heavenly father I thank u for this morning. Pls clean me of all my sins. Pls help me to not be lazy & not sleep too much. Pls help me to always practice good hygiene. Pls help me to overcome my past. Pls help me to always look forward. Pls remove all bad smells from my body & from my room. Pls...
heavenly father pls set me free from all witchcraft. Pls burn break & destroy all witchcraft all demonic activities all evil & all witchcraft spells & all hexes & all vexes & all voodoo & all curses in my life. Pls I need ur intervention. In JESUS name. AMEN.