
  1. Brykuaric

    Please may you pray for my husband ...

    Please may you pray for my husband deliverance He is suffering from too much belching and headache. I know God is not a failure. Please help my husband with God delivery.
  2. Kigatice

    My sister to get married to Dr. ...

    My sister to get married to Dr. Rujumba Safe pregnancy and delivery for Catherine Growth and progress of SCH Najjera to prosper Protection over baby Sammie Complete healing for tungu Financial prosperity for all My bro to get right marriage partner
  3. Essalioth

    Please pray that a check that is ...

    Please pray that a check that is suppose to come to me will arrive without interruption. Please pray The Lord will guide this delivery.
  4. findingpearls15

    Medication & Deliverance From Evil

    Please pray that God blesses my medication usage and delivery and that God fully protects me from all evils and evil attacks. In Jesus Name
  5. cabelcher

    Delivery and home birth

    I’m six weeks away from delivering my third child, and we are having a home birth. Please pray baby and I are safe and pray that my labor is SO easy and just joy filled. My first two labors were emotionally very traumatizing, and I really want to enjoy this labor and delivery.
  6. Cime

    Fitzgerald Philemon is my name and I'm ...

    Fitzgerald Philemon is my name and I'm from Papua New Guinea just at the Northern tip of Australia. My wife Rachael Kasu is in for delivery of our first baby boy Gerald Arthur Elon and prayfull hoping she delivery is normal which she doesn't need to go for surgery in the next 15 minutes as our...
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