I decree and declare my finances my financial income savings now right now multiplys multiplys in millions millions millions right now without any delay more more every day please lord in jesus christ namess
I decree and declare p and j have permanently permanently split up in every single way right now without any delay at all they no longer get on in any way they no longer love each other in any way they no no longer live together in any way they no longer talk at all in any way they have both...
I decree and declare p and j have permanently totally split in every single way right now without any delay they no longer get on in any way they no longer lobe each other in any way they no longer live together talk p gets his own place right now without any delay in jesus christ namess
Lord please please bless me and Paul a please please lord with a divine divine connection in every single way a divine love for each other in every way bless bless our relationship in every single way protect it make it flourish flourishes in every single way In jesus christ I decree and declare...
I decree and declare Paul a is madly deeply incredibly in love with every single part of me more than he has ever ever felt before ever right now alot alot more more every day he asks me to marry him this year 2023 we have a divine divine connection love in every single way our relationship is...
I decree and declare p and j that's not right gor him in any way have totally permanently split up in every way no longer get on in any way no longer love each other no no longer live together they have both split up permanently in every way will never ever get bscm together ever p gets his own...
I decree and declare Paul a is is madly incredibly strongly deeply incredibly in love in love with every single part of me more than he has ever ever experanced ever that he feels it soo very strongly in every single way part of him he asks me me to marry him this year 2023 he can't wait to ask...
I decree and declare p and j that not right for him in any way have split up in every single way permanently no longer get on no longer love each other no longer talk no no longer live together p has his own place right now without any delay at all in jesus name
I decree and declare Paul a asks me to marry him this year 2023 he can't wait to ask me we have a divine connection in every way a divine love in every way Paul a is madly madly deeply incredibly in love with every single part of me more than he had ever ever felt before ever right now more more...
I decree and declare Paul a is madly incredibly deeply strongly in love with every single part of me more than he has ever ever felt before experanced before ever proposes to me to me this year 2023 he can't wait to ask me he wants to be with me me me only me forever and ever tells me this shows...
Please please all pray I decree and declare Paul a and Me have a divine divine connection in every single way a divine divine love for each other in every single way our relationship is totally blessed blessed in every single way protected in every single way flourishes flourishes in every...
I decree and declare the rest of my life will now now now right now be the very very best of my life in every single way right now without any delay all all every single one of my deepest desires are all all fifilled in every single way right now without any delay at all in jesus namess
I decree and declare in jesus christ name p and j have totally permanently split up in every single way right now without any delay at all they do not get on in any way at all in more they do not love each otter in any way at all they no no longer live together they don't talk at all anymore...
Very very urgent please all pray asthma every single all every symptoms of asthma leave mh lungs air ways whole body from the roots right now without any delay at all never ever return ever I decree and declare my lungs air ways breathing is healed healed totally healed normal that I do not not...
I decree and declare Paul a is is incredibly attracted to every single part of me more more than he has ever felt before ever more more every day in jesus christ name Paul a is is madly incredibly deeply in love with every single part of me alot alot Alot more than he has ever ever felt before...
I decree and declare in jesus christ name dental nurse will not not be in the room when I go to see dentist she only comes in when I am getting treatment done and leaves quickly every time I go to dentist in jesus christ name I get one to one time with my dentist to talk to him about my teeth...
I decree and declare Paul a is more anx more deeply incredibly in love with every single part of me more more every day asks me me to marry him he proposes to me to me this year 2023 in jesus christ namess
I decree and declare Paul a is is madly incredibly strongly deeply in love with me every single part of me more alot alot more than he has ever ever felt before experanced before ever right now alot alot more more every day he asks me me me to marry him this year please lord 2023 HD wants to be...
I decree and declare p and jen have have split up in every single wah permanently right now without any delay at all no longer get on in any way no no longer love each other in any way no no no longer live together in any way no longer talk have split up in every single way permanently right now...
I decree and declare p and jen have split ip permanently in every way no longer get on in any way no longer lovd each other no no longer live together they have nothing split up permanently in every way p gets his own place house right now without any delay at all please lord in jesus christ name