I decree and declare no no no poverty lack in my life please please lord in any way thank you lord for the money I have savings I have benifits I have thank you lord that you own all the millions billions wealth riches of this whole entire world thank you lord that your words say ask and I will...
I decree and declare Pa love for me is growing stronger stronger in every way every day pa desires me only me no no other women ever in jesus christ name pa is incredibly incredibly attracted to every single part of me in every way incredibly more more every day pa is is madly incredibly...
I decree and declare Pa desires me me only me no no other women ever pa love for me is growing stronger stronger stronger in every single way more more every day pa is incredibly incredibly attracted blown away with every single part of me in every way more than he has ever ever felt experanced...
I decree and declare Pa love for me is growing stronger stronger in every way every day pa is is incredibly incredibly attracted blown away with every single part of me in every single way more than he has ever ever experanced before ever more more every day pa is is madly incredibly strongly...
I decree and declare Paul a love for me is growing stronger stronger in every way every day in jesus christ name me and Paul a relashionship is getting stringer stronger closer closet in jesus christ namess flourishes
I decree and declare Pa love for me is os growing stronger and stronger in every way every day pa is is incredibly incredibly attracted to every single part of me in every single way more than he's ever felt before ever more more every day pa is is incredibly madly strongly deeply incredibly in...
I decree and declare Pa love for me attraction for me is growing stronger stronger in every way every day pa is is incredibly incredibly attracted to every single part of me in every way pa is is madly strongly deeply incredibly in love with every single part of me in every way more than he has...
Please please all pray I decree and declare Pa desires me me no no other women ever in jesus christ name pa love for me is growing stronger stronger In every single way more more every day me and pa have a divine divine connection in every single way a divine love for each other in every single...
I decree and declare i look I look every single part of me please please lord looks alot alot better please please lord as I deeply desire than all all every single all every filters without any filters at all that i am truly truly astonisted amazed overjoyed right now always please lord every...
I decree and declare my finances my financial income savings now right now without any delay multiplys multiplys in millions millions millions right now without any delay at all alot alot more more every day please lord in jesus christ namess
I decree and declare no no no more critasism to me about me about my health in any way about my weight in any way about mh geauty fave eyes skin apperance figure hair teeth fiances where I live in any way in jesus christ name I ask you please please please lord bless me me me please please alot...
I decree and declare in jesus christ name pa love for me is is growing growing stronger stronger in every way every day in jesus christ name pa desires me me only me no no other women ever in jesus christ name my relationship with pa is os totally blessed blessed in every single way protected in...
I decree and declare jen and p have totally permanently split up in every single way right now without any delay in jesus christ name they no no longer get on in any way they no longer talk in any way they are no longer attracted to each other in any way they no no longer love each other they no...
I decree and declare Pa love for me os os growing stronger stronger in every way every day in jesus christ name pa desires me only me no no other women ever in jesus christ name me and pa have a divine divine connection in every single way totally connect in every single way have a divine divine...
I decree and declare my finances my financial income savings now right now without any delay multiplys multiplys in millions millions millions as I deeply desire without any delay at all please lord right now alot alot more more evert day the blessing of the Lord brings me wealth he adds no no...
I decree and declare nen and p have totally permanently split up on every single way right now without any delay they are not combatable in any way they don't get on in any way they don't talk in any way they are not attracted to each other any more they do not love each other in any way they do...
I decree and declare Pa love for me is growing growing stronger stronger in every way every day in jesus christ name pa desires me only me no no other women ever me and pa have a divine divine connection in every single way totally connect in every way gave a divine lobe in every way our...
I decree and declare my finances my financial income savings now right now without any delay multiplys multiplys in millions millions millions as I deeply desire right now alot alot more more evert day please do this for me please lord without any delay at all in jesus namess