Extra efficient in my HOME WORK (cleaning, decluttering, organizing, shopping etc...).
Extra efficient in my ONLINE SCHOOL WORK (and my pupils dilligent, motivated, successful...amen).
Extra efficient in decluttering of my home. Extra strength, health, motivation, insight, wisdom, guidance....
country: croatia
home extra strength health motivation insight
home work
online school work
successful amen
wisdom guidance
To be a champion in decluttering of my home. (also cleaning, organizing, getting my home in order, beautiful loving energy of my home)
More then a conqueror, more then overcomer in Jesus name, amen!! Especially in decluttering!
Spring break in my school i dont work for 10 days. Lord, let me...
Extreemely efficient and fast in my online school classes (i am a teacher.)
Dilligent, successful respectful pupils (all of them).
Extreemely efficient and fast in my domestic work (cleaning, organizing, decluttering etc.)
Extreemely efficient and fast in my shopping or doing aynthing in the...
Good sweet sleep tonight. Enough of sleep.
No health issues or nervosity that will spoil my sleep.
Tomorrow extreemely efficient in my online school classes (i am a teacher.
Dilligent, successful respectful pupils.
Extreemely efficient in my domestic work (cleaning, organizing, decluttering...
country: croatia
dilligent successful respectful pupils
domestic work
good sweet sleep
health issues
online school classes
Total health of my whole body.
Extreemely efficient in my online school work.
Extreemely efficient in my home/domestic work (cleaning, organizing, decluttering etc.)
Extreemely efficient in my shopping.
Protection of all evil energies, influences and people in Jesus name, amen.
country: croatia
evil energies influences
home domestic work
hope vision
name amen
online school work
shopping protection
total health
High efficiency in work - online school classes. (Also pupils interested in classes and very dilligent and successful)
High efficiency in domestic work (cleaning, coocking, organizing, decluttering etc in this whole year).
Easy quickly effortlessly cleaning, decluttering, organizing of my home today and tomorrow!
Strength, health, inspirarion, guidance, zeal, joy for all house obligations and more...