
  1. natasha2

    High efficiency HOME and WORK

    High efficiency in my home today and this whole year - cleaning, washing, organizing, decluttering, shopping, making order, etc. No procrastination please. TO DO THIS TODAY till 7 pm in Jesus name!! Let me adjust and send my school programs for pupils on a school cloud because a deadline is...
  2. natasha2

    Home obligations - organized, relaxed, efficient, priorities

    EXtra efficiency in my home repairs, organizing, decluttering etc etc... No anxiety, fear, no panic, feeling of being overwhelmed with those obligations but faith, positivity, joy, supernatural ideas, extra efficiency. No waisting time but also knowing exactly my priorities. Wisdom of God...
  3. natasha2

    Menstrual cycle, sleep, high efficiency, summer hollydays

    Normal menstrual cycle. My period lasts for to long now. Pray that it will stop. Pray for easy healthy effortless menopause transition. No headake or high blood pressure. Good sweet sleep. Enough of sleep. Normal.stomach acid. High efficiency in everything I do this weekend especially home...
  4. natasha2

    Very efficient in cleaning/home activities

    Beautiful day today. Very efficient in my cleaning organizing washing decluttering shopping and all around my home.
  5. natasha2

    Enough sleep, extreeme efficiency

    Today and tonight enough of good sleep. Today extreeme eficiency in cleaning washing organizing declutterin in my home. Tomorrow to.
  6. natasha2

    Very efficient in my home cleaning washing ...

    Very efficient in my home cleaning washing organizing decluttering etc this week until sunday evening. Everything done properly and on time. Easily and effortlesly.
  7. natasha2

    Excellent homemaker today

    Lord, let me extra successful in cleaning, decluttering, organizing, home today. Amen. Everythinv smoothe and easygoing in Jesus name amen
  8. natasha2

    Cleaning, order, decluttering, organizing - my home

    Cleaning, order, organizing, decluttering of my appartement today and this whole summer very efficiently. Especially decluttering of unnecessary and evil energy stuff, amen.
  9. natasha2

    Efficient in my home

    SUccessful day concerning home. (cleaning, washing, organizing, decluttering....) Very efficient. Quick, swift solutions and efficiency. Everything smoothe and easygoing.
  10. natasha2

    Highly efficient today

    Highly efficient, productive in everything i do today. Especially home stuff (cleaning, washing, organizing, decluttering...)
  11. natasha2

    Highly effective today

    Highly effective today in my everyday obligations, home, cooking, cleaning, washing, shopping, organizing, decluttering and everything that God wants me to do today. Above and beyond of what i expect. Amen.
  12. natasha2

    Extra blessed in my home activities

    Extreeemely blessed today in my home and all activities connected to my home. Washing, cleaning, cooking, preparing, organizing, decluttering etc etc...amen and amen
  13. natasha2

    Efficiency and protection today, favor

    Very efficient day today. At home (cleaning, washing, shopping, organizing, decluttering etc), at work (teacher - preparation for classes, grading, writing down and organizing material for classes etc etc..). Very blessed day also socialy, much love respect understanding acceptance favor help...
  14. natasha2

    Home obligations success

    Extra successful, effective, productive in my home work/, washing, cooking, organizing, decluttering etc etc... To do everything on my to do list for today, amen. Even more then i expected, amen.
  15. natasha2

    Decluttering home

    Decluttering of my home. Easily, effortlesly. Every day better and better
  16. natasha2

    Extra efficient, effective today/this weekend

    Today being very efficient, effective, successful, productive in everything especially in my shopping, cleaning, washing, getting things in order, organizing, decluttering of my home in Jesus name, amen. Today and this whole weekend.
  17. natasha2

    Extra efficient, successfull, productive day; feeling loved....

    Extra efficient, successfull and productive in my WORK, HOME, SHOPPING, CLEANING, WASHING, ORGANIZING, DECLUTTERING, VOTING, etc. Everything working for my good in Jesus name. Extra favor, grace, help, mercy for me today. Fullfilled the desires of my heart today. Feeling and being loved...
  18. natasha2

    Extreemely successfull day (work, home, friendships, love)

    Extreemely successfull today concerning WORK (school, pupils, classes) and DOMESTIC OBLIGATIONS (cleaning, washing, organizing, decluttering, getting in order, decorating, shopping.. Extreemely joyfull and fullfilled day, satisfaction concernig my socializing, friendships, love. Amen.
  19. natasha2

    Extra efficient - shopping, home

    Extra efficient in my, washing, organizing, decluttering, decorating my home. More then a conqueror in it.
  20. natasha2

    Extra efficient HOME WORK, SCHOOL WORK

    Today and the next whole week: 1) Extra efficient and successfull in my HOME WORK (cleaning, washing, organizing, decluttering, decorating, shopping etc...) 2) Extra efficient and successfull in my ONLINE and ALIVE SCHOOL WORK. My pupils dilligent, successfull, obedient, respectfull. More...
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