I thank Thee, my Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, that Thou hast kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray Thee to keep me this day also from sin and all evil, that all my doings and life may please Thee. For into Thy hands I commend myself, my body and soul...
MitDavidDv: A Messianic Jewish Tefillah : A Spirit of Obedience to the Indwelling Holy Spirit & Keeping A Repentant Heart
Shalom Chaverim! Toda raba for all of those of you that continue to intercede for me through this website. I am truly grateful to all of you that go before Yeshua...
birkat kohanim
country: united states
good work
indwelling holy spirit
messianic jewish tefillah
real messiah mitdaviddv
repentant heart shalom chaverim toda raba
spiritual understanding
yeshua ha mashiach
Please Lord heal my dear son, give him Your Peace today and heal his mind, his body, and spirit, take away his anxieties help him to use the tools he has been given to deal with negative thinking, fill him with your joy and peace, give him Your wisdom and Your strength today, let the doctors...
Please pray for my dear son who is going to give BAMS exam.As a mother I always fear that whether he is studying properly or not coz he is far away from us.But at the same time I remember that our living God will surely guide him.so please pray for my son that he can concentrate in his studies...
Dear Lord, I pray that you deliver my family from any satanic bondage, stagnation, delay and setback. May our plan to make my family prosperous and favorable with expected end come through in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Dear Son. Amen.
Please pray for my dear son-in-law Chris. He's having terrifying symptoms. Had a cancer removed earlier this year, please pray it's not in his brain. Married only 1 year. My daughter is so stressed & trying to keep him alive during episodes. He's not in medical care now due to worry about bills...
Dear Lord Jesus. Son of God. Please help me and provide me the necessary capital money for my marketing and trading business and also for the needs for me and my family. I thank you Lord all the blessings I have received and all the blessings that will come. I also thank you for brothers and...
MitDavidDv: A Messianic Jewish Tefillah : A Spirit of Obedience to the Indwelling Holy Spirit & Keeping A Repentant Heart
Shalom Chaverim! Toda raba for all of those of you that continue to intercede for me through this website. I am truly grateful to all of you that go before Yeshua...
birkat kohanim
country: united states
good work
indwelling holy spirit
messianic jewish tefillah
priestly blessing scripture refs
real messiah mitdaviddv
repentant heart shalom chaverim toda raba
spiritual understanding
Lord thank you for the gift of my dear son's Anthony and Chris. Thank you for their lives. Watch over them each day. Keep them safe and free from harm as they go about each day. Bless them through life's trials. Help them to choose right from wrong. Let them be great examples standing tall and...