Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.
—Ephesians 5:1-2 (KJV)
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery...
abba father
costly form
country: reserved
ephesians 5 1 2 kjv thoughts
holy bible new international version
international bible society
sincere form
sweet smelling savor
zondervan publishing house
“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”
-1 John 3:18 -
Which friend knowing full well that you are about to enter into disaster, does not warn you first? Jesus warned us of future upheaval. Love protects.
Waiting can be disastrous to our...
c444 heavenly father
country: canada
fellow brother
future upheaval love
high transmission
other variants
peaceful rally
positive step
real horror story
Brothers and Sisters pray with me!
Heavenly Father, our God of mercy, we thank you for this prayer site and for another day to share Your Gospel. We stand together and we pray for all the members on this forum, along with our families and loved ones. We ask for Your forgiveness and that we...
I am with thee all the days of your life. I have brought you here to earth and you will be with Me when I call you home.
Fear not my dear children.
I will not leave you nor forsake you.
When Jesus appears in majesty and great glory, all eyes shall see Him as He comes back with multitude of angels from heaven coming to take us all home to heaven. Before that even the dead will not rise because they need to hear the heavenly voice like Jesus said to Lazarus. Lazarus, come...
I always ask the Lord if this is right and I should believe and follow it. If Jesus tells me, this is wrong and stay away from it, then I obey His word because I trust Him more than ever before.
Yes, temptations pile up all around us but we are still His dear children, made in His image. He...
Jesus love is deeper than the ocean. Higher than the farthest star in the universe. Come to Him. He is waiting and calling you and me. Come home, come home my child. I am waiting for you.
My Lord,
I am sorry for my sins.
They are many.
I am giving myself to You.
I am choosing to...
Jesus loves all His dear children praying, singing songs of praise to Him. Continue to live in His presence. There is fullness of joy, peace and love.
Holy Spirit Thou art welcome in this place.
Holy Spirit come to our hearts.
Fill us with Thy presence.
Fall on us we pray.
There will be no problems to face is we know that our life will be here to live forever, but the truth of our existence is very short and we can be called home anytime.
Be ready, be watching for the time when Jesus will tell us. Your time is up. Come home my dear children. I am waiting for...
Dear children of God, I am excited to request you in the might and wonderful name of Jesus to praise and exalt Almighty God. HE has answered all of my prayers, marriage, healing, job, deliverance. Please join me in praising HIM for all things HE has done for me and for my family. I cannot...
Dear children of God,
Request your support in prayers to strengthen me fighting against poverty and financial instability. I am facing a lot of problems related to finances and also having health issues.I am mentally disturbed and unable to focus on my daily work and on spiritual matters.
Dear children of God. My prayer request today is for Lord to keep my moms sugar levels and BP levels in the normal range. Jesus did answer my prayer today and he brought the sugar levels down. Please brothers and sisters, please pray that moms BP levels and sugar levels are both normal with...
Dear children of do I make my prayers effective and stronger when I pray for others. ? Please advise. I want every prayer of mine ti be very effective
Dear children of God...Please pray that my moms sugar levels are constantly below 120 as she is currently having high sugar levels. Please pray that my mom doesn't need heavy medication or insulin to control her diabetes. Please please.
Dear children of God... lord has been very kind to me and family amd has been treating my mom during covid and has helped her recover and made her healthier. Tomorrow, my family is going for covid test to see if we are negative yet. Also, mom and dad are going to go for blood tests CRP and D...
Dear children of God.. please join me in praising the lord and thanking him.for his kindness. Lord christ has been answering my prayers and reducing sugar levels for mom..there is nothing that's impossible when you trust the lord. Thank you Jesus. Thank you very much for healing my mom. I pray...
Dear children of God.
Praise lord. I have been haunted by familiar spirits time and again.
I dream going back in those old houses where I grew up, going back to my former employer. Everything is going backwards.
I got saved and I was emerged in deep waters.
When ever there is some victory...
Dear children of God please pray for me and my family for protection from
all afflictions and from satanic attacks and pray for our financial
breakthrough in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Dear Children of GOD. Please pray for my family that we can transition to another country within a year. We want better opportunities for our children who went through a lot and also for our marriage of over 20 years together. We need a change. Something better now that we are in our 40's. We...
Dear children the situation of my brother is getting more worse he can't open his mouth now it's very bad please keep on praying for him l know can change the situation in Jesus name