Dear Lord please help me. I am not sure if theres should physically wrong with me or if it's anxiety. Please help me. I don't want to die or be ill. Please help me I need to survive please give me another chance help me onow im ok, I need to live and be healthy for my daughter Jazmyn.
Please Dear God, let me stay physically and mentally healthy for maby years to come. I get anxiety, heart palps, sometimes breathing issues, and pains in my body which cause me to be more anxietized. Please help, let me be ok. I haven't been to a Dr. In a while. Please pray im ok. Also, keep my...
Dear Lord keep us all dafe and healthy. Please keep my daughter Jazmyn safe and healthy, our families safe and healthy, and Jason and myself safe and healthy.
Please Dear Lord keep my daughter Jazmyn safe and healthy. She cant taste or smell and all the places are booked for testing, she can't get in until tomorrow. Im so worried for my baby girl.
Dear Lord please keep my daughter Jazmyn safe and have a safe flight today to New Jersey and a safe drive home tomorrow from New Jersey. She is my life, she is all I really have. She is my world. ❤💕