Yes, Jesus our dear Savior and Lord is giving us His word today, He continue to forgive our traspasses and sins. Come to Him as you are and ask forgiveness and mercy. He will never ever reject anyone who believes and trusts His word. Then, a word from heaven comes to my heart and it says...
Living in a dark world is not very nice and loneliness, unhappiness, sadness, full of stress and worry about what is gona happen to us when this world goes up in smoke. Jesus is the only One who can show us how to live a holy and pure life and find true happiness and joy in our life. Our...
Never ever settle for anything in this world because we will not be able to take anything to heaven with us. Jesus clearly told Pilate the whole truth about Himself and His eternal kingdom in heaven. He said...
My kingdom is not of this world.
John 18.36
We profess to be strangers and...
Good Evening please all pray for My 2 sons they are opening a recycling business And we pray and ask every one to pray with us for them to make a success of this upcoming business We pray for God's provision protection We pray for our God to provide for us We pray God to bless Dwayne and Morne...
country: south africa
good evening
heavenly realms
holy people
huawei phone
mighty name father
morne father
north east south
spiritual forces
Good Evening please all pray for My 2 sons they are opening a recycling business And we pray and ask every one to pray with us for them to make a success of this upcoming business We pray for God's provision protection We pray for our God to provide for us We pray God to bless Dwayne and Morne...
In order to reach this wonderful hope given to us by Jesus, we must stop trusting ourselves, stop running our selfish desires, and walking away from the Lord. Let us all put our full trust in Jesus words.
I am going to prepare a place for you, that where I am there you may be also.
You do miracles so wonderful.
Our eyes have seeing those things.
You did it.
Healing has come.
Mercy has arrived.
Wonders from heaven we have seeing all around.
Let us all raise our voice to Him.
Praise, honor and glory shall be unto You.
Now and forever more.
We are sent by God Himself to...
To Those Of Us Who Want To Be Used By God...
Who we are behind closed doors is who we really are. And God wants to deliver us from our dark places. So that God can use us to be effective light bearers in this dark world in our once-dark-places.
🙏Let Us Pray: God I ask You in Jesus name bless me, my family, and all my friends (that are saved), with love, joy, peace, wisdom, a sound mind, strength, excellent health, protection, prosperity, and success in Christ Jesus. God rain down blessings from heaven upon each of our lives. God let...
country: united states
excellent health protection prosperity
face embrace
love joy peace wisdom
personal level
sound mind strength
We do not determine how long we will live on earth, only God knows our end, but we have given a choice how to life on this planet.
Choose ye this day whom ye will serve... Joshua said told the people. But as for me I will serve the Lord.
Joshua 24.15
The main purpose of our staying here in...
We cannot fetch anything on earth and bring it to our dear Lord. It is our heart, our mind, our soul giving all the praise, all the honor and all the glory to Him who brought us here to earth to be a light shining in a dark world. Jesus alone is the preserver and protector of those who love...
This is a wonderful question to answer to all of us who wonder why we are here on earth and where are we gong to end up when we depart planet earth.
Hear the word of the Lord.
I have chosen you.
Our of all the peoples of the earth.
To be His treasured possesion.
Deut. 7,6
My heart is full of...
Father, Son and Holy Spirit are just one God who created heaven and earth and everything there is in it. Let us all honor and praise His holy name for choosing us to be a light that shines in a dark world. Fast and pray for your next door neighbors to get saved and be on their way to heaven...
I am the Light of the world...says the Lord. Whoever believes in Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. Jesus, our dear Lord claims to be the Light of the world and no one will be able to shut off that light unless they sin against Him.
Teach o Lord to follow You...
Hi, I am asking prayers that I will be a blessing to my church to everyone who will come and hear Gods word. I want to be a light that shines in the middle of a dark world. Jesus is calling all of us to be just like Him. Full of mercy and compassion. Please pray for my pastor and his family, may...
It is satan trick to make us all poor and lost in a dark world. Borrow money and never able to pay back again to those who had a heart to lend. Those lost souls need our prayers and only Jesus can solve their debt problems.
Their debts overflowiing.
Empty pockets never filled up.
Unable to...
All of us are lowly and wayward in an empty life and in a dark world. We cannot bear our crosses all alone in this life of ours. We need help, we need grace, we need mercy coming from heaven. So, let us all start lifting up our hands and hearts to Jesus. He is the giver of all peace, joy...
Come and lead us all to Your holy place where angels sing praises to You. We need You every single day of our exsitence. Gentle Lord and Savior, feed us with Thy eternal word coming down from heaven. We need strenght and wisdom to continue on to our eternal home in glory. There is no...
Life eternal in heaven is what Jesus has promised to you and me as long as we live a holy and pure life before Him. Loving the Lord with all our heart, mind and soul and doing His will on earth. Being a light in a dark world. Loving your spouse and your children, praying for them to make it...