dark time

  1. Sparklee

    Please pray for those (+ecl&fl) in a ...

    Please pray for those (+ecl&fl) in a dark time of their life-- Lord please put a hedge around them and keep them from going toward evil and keep evil from their path. God draw them to hopeful truths and thoughts. Lord please empower to search and find something in life to be thankful for...
  2. Sparklee

    Please pray for those (+ecl&fl) in a ...

    Please pray for those (+ecl&fl) in a dark time of their life-- Lord please put a hedge around them and keep them from going toward evil and keep evil from their path. God draw them to hopeful truths and thoughts. Lord please empower to search and find something in life to be thankful for...
  3. Sparklee

    Please pray for those (+ecl&fl) in a ...

    Please pray for those (+ecl&fl) in a dark time of their life-- Lord please put a hedge around them and keep them from going toward evil and keep evil from their path. God draw them to hopeful truths and thoughts. Lord please empower to search and find something in life to be thankful for...
  4. MHR

    Today I pray that you relieve me ...

    Today I pray that you relieve me of my insecurities. I don’t feel pretty enough, smart enough or good enough. I feel selfish for thinking this way as there are more important things going on in the world. I’m sure it has to do with my depression, but it’s times like these I feel worthless in...
  5. Bylmer

    To My obedient children in every land, ...

    To My obedient children in every land, your obedience does not go unnoticed. I have angels near you recording every good thing you do for My Kingdom and you shall be rewarded. I see every time you are persecuted. I know every time you weep. Nothing you do is beyond My notice. It is a dark time...
  6. Sparklee

    Please pray for those in a dark ...

    Please pray for those in a dark time of their life. Lord please put a hedge around them and keep them from going toward evil and keep evil from their path. God draw them to hopeful truths and thoughts. Lord please empower to search and find something in life to be thankful for focused on what is...
  7. Sparklee

    Please pray for those in a dark ...

    Please pray for those in a dark time of their life(+ecl&fl)-- Lord please put a hedge around them and keep them from going toward evil and keep evil from their path. God draw them to hopeful truths and thoughts. Lord please empower to search and find something in life to be thankful for, focused...
  8. Sparklee

    Father Praise and Thank You for all ...

    Father Praise and Thank You for all Your blessings, Lord lifting all who are struggling or in a dark time of their life (+ecl&fl) -- Lord please put a hedge around them and keep them from going toward evil and keep evil from their path. God draw them to hopeful truths and thoughts. Lord please...
  9. ChrisRe

    Hello all, it's been a trying time ...

    Hello all, it's been a trying time for me, and it's gonna get even more challenging very soon. First, one of my pet cats disappeared last week, I miss her so much, now I'm left with the other one, they used to spend so much time together, I hope one day I'll see her again. I pray that God takes...
  10. Sparklee

    Please pray for those in a dark ...

    Please pray for those in a dark time of their life-- (+ecl&lf)Lord please put a hedge around them and keep them from going toward evil and keep evil from their path. God draw them to hopeful truths and thoughts. Lord please empower to search and find something in life to be thankful for, focused...
  11. Carolinetage 118@gmail.com

    Pray for my cousin bro Anthony. He ...

    Pray for my cousin bro Anthony. He has gastric trouble. Yesterday he said he's chest is paining. Stomach ache. Do pray for his gastric trouble healing. And Also my for Dad James. Today he got right middle finger hurt, a cut in the something pointed wood. As it was bit dark time. the pointed...
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