Very very urgent lord lord please please touch completely totally heak heal restore under my left ete by youf mighty power now please lord in jesus christ name lord please please remove absolutely all whire bits absolutely all pain all sensitivity all absolutely all lumbs bumbs bumby bits raised...
country: unknown
dr ahmed
heal heal
left eye
left right eye
lumps bumps bumpy bits
new brand new interior
smooth normal skin color
white bits
Lord please please remove absolutely all white bits absolutely all bumby bits absolutely all raised bits dark circles hollows under my left eye right now please please without any delay at all please please make undee my left eye incredibly totally smooth exact same as under right eye make Dr a...
Very very very urgent lord lord please please please touch completely heal restore under my left eye in every single way form please right now instantly in jesus christ name please please remove absolutely all all every raised bits bunby bits whire bits dark circles hollows under my left eye by...
Very very very urgently please please all pray Lord I ask you please please touch completely totally heal heal restore under my left eye in absolutely every way form by your mighty mighty healing power rught now right now in jesus christ name lord please please remove absolutely all all every...
Very very very urgent please please all pray Lord lord please please please touch heal heal restore under my left eye in absolutely every way rught now right now please please remove absolutely absolutely all raised bits all bumby bits all every rough bits absolutely all bimby rauaed bits whire...
Very very very urgent please please all pray lord your words says ask and I will recieve I ask you please please touch completely heal restore under my left eye in absolutely every way firm by your power right now rught now please please remove absolutely all every bumby bits permanently all...
country: unknown
face neck
hollows swelling puffiness
left ete whole skin
left eye
left right eye
skin color
spots blemishes lines wrinkles
white bit
Very very very urgent please please all pray lord lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please touch completely totally heal heal restore under my left eye right eye in absolutely every way form right now please please instantly please by your power lord please please...
Very very urgent please please all pray Lord lord please please touch completely totally heal under my left rught eye in absolutely every single way right now I ask you lord please please remove absolutely all all white bits absolutely all every bumby raised bits absolutely allnlines absolutely...
awesome light blessing
country: unknown
face neck
left right eye
other girls women
skin problems
soul ties
strong deep divine
wrinkles spots pimples
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please please touch heal completely restore under my left eye in every way form make under my left ete completely totalky brand new incredibly smooth remove absolutely all whire bits absolutely all lumby bumby hits absolutely all raised...
country: unknown
d aa
evert lines
face neck body vagina area
left eye
left right eye
lumby bumby
white bits
young youthful ageless wrinkles
Very very urgent lord I ask you please please touch completely heal restore under my left eye in every way rught now in jesus christ name lord please make under my left ete completely hrabd new incredibly incredibly totally smooth now by your power please in jesus christ name lord please please...
bumpy bits
closet deeper stronger flourishes
country: unknown
deep divine connection
left eye
left right eye
other girls women
skin problems
white bits lines
Very very urgent lord please please touch completely heal completely restore undee my left eye in every way right now please make under my left eye completely brand new smooth in every way now please please remove absolutely all dark circles hollows under my left rught ete permanently now...
Very very urgent please please all pray Lord I ask you please please tou h touch completely totally heal heal heal restore please under my left eye in absolutely every way fork right now right now by your power please please please remove absolutely all all every raised bits all every bukby bits...
Very very very urgent please please all pray Lord lord please please touch completely totally heal heal restore under my left eye in absolutely every way form right now please in jesus christ name please lord remove absolutely all pain discomfort nipoinb stinging absolutely all all lumby bumby...
Very very very urgent please please all pray I need your prayers lord lord your words say ask ask and I will recieve I ask you please please touch completely totalky heal heal completely restore please lord under my left eye in absolutely every way form instantly rapidly right now please please...
Very very urgent please please all.pray lord please please touch completely heal completely restore touch heal restore under my left eye please lord right now right now in every way please by your power in jesus christ name please please lord remove absolutely all whire bits all every bukby...
Very very very urgent please please all pray Lord lord ypur words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please lord woth all my heart please please touch completed heal completely restore under my left right eyes please please lord on absolutely every way right now by youf power please...
Very very urgent lord I ask you please please with all my heart touch completely heal restore under my left eye please lord in absolutely every single way rught now please please by your power please please lord remove absolutely all pain all discomfort all nipoing all stinging absolutely all...
blemishes marks
country: unknown
deep divine
left eye
left right eye
red veins pigmentation marks
single part
single way form
string divine connection tion
Very very urgent please please all.pray lord lord your words day ask and I will recieve I ask you lord please please please touch completely totally heal heal restore under my left ete please please lord in absolutely every way form rught now right now please lord in jesus christ name please...
Very very urgent please all pray Lord please please touch completely heal completely restore under my left eye in absolutely every way form.pleaee lord remove absolutely all pain all discomfort all sensitivity absolutely all bumby bits absolutely all raised bits absolutely all whire bits...
Very very urgent lord please please t9uch completely restore heal under my left eye remove all lumby bots bumy bits raised bots pain sensitivity whire bits dark circles hollows under my left eye right now right now by your power please lord in jesus christ namess