Lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please make daa a born again Christian asks jesus christ into his heart life through me me my husband my husband now by your mighty power please lord without no delay at all in jesus name lord please melt melt mightly incredibly...
blessing light joy
country: unknown
daaeyesheartheart deepest feelings
lady kenny rodgers
love attraction desire
muslamic false gods
total love
total unity total agreement
unbreakable love bond connection closeness unity
Lord please please make daa a born again Christian asks jesus chrusy into his heart life through me me my husband now by your power without any delay at all please lord destroy completely permanently destroy absolutely all every false gods idols ridulas absolutely all every strong holds all...
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve please lord make daa a born again Christian ask jesus christ into his heart life through me me my husband my husband now by your mighty power without any delay at all in jesus name lord please completely destroy absolutely all every false gods idols all...
blindness veils scales
country: unknown
false gods
false teaching gods
heart life
mighty power
total love
total unity tital agreement
unbreakable love bond closeness connection unity total commitment total faithfulness
Lord please please make daa a born again Christian through me my husband my husband by your mighty power now without any delay please destroy absolutely all false gods idols ridulas absolutely all bandages strongholds of false gods muslamic false gods in absolutely every single part of daa his...
country: unknown
false gods
lady kenny rodgers
mighty power
other girls women
single part
total agreement
total unity agreement
unbreakable love bond connection closeness unity total commitment total faithfulness
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve please male my upper eye surgery heal soeedly with absolutely no no lumby bumby bits absolutely no splits at all scars to be incredibly invisible results to please be truly awsome amazing that I am overwhelmed with incredibly joy in jesus namess lord...
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please lord make daa please please be incredibly incredibly overwhelmed with incredibly joy blown away with the gifts cards I got him more than I can ever ask think imagine that he will text thank me soo much that they all touch absolutely...
country: unknown
deepest feelings emotions
false gods
false muslamic bandages string
gifts cards
other women girls
soul ties data
total agreement
total total unity total agreement
Lord I ask you please please remove permanently absolutely all every skin issues under my left eye whole fave skin neck scalp absolutely all fat frkm my whole stomach hips body under arms permanently now male them.all dissappear rihht now in jesus christ name please lord in jesus christ name...
country: unknown
false gods rituals
other girls women
skin issues
skin neck scalp
stomach hips body
total unity agreement
total unity total agreement
unbreakable love bond connection closeness unity total commitment
Lord please please remove absolutely all fat frkm my whole stomach hips body underarms now permanently now make my whole motablism alot alot faster very fast now always in jesus name please please make my stomach 0ure flat tonned tight as I deeply desire 🙏 lord in jesus christ name please lord...
country: unknown
face neck body
limes wrinkles marks scars
soul mates companions
soul ties
stomach hips body underarms
total agreement
total unity agreement
unbreakable lobe bond connection closeness unity tiral fautjfullness
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please lord remove permanently absolutely all hard bits lumby bumby hits marks scars absolutely all rough bits lines wrinkles dark circles hollows under my left eye now permanently by your power make absolutely all of them dissappear now...
chronic fatigue tiredness exhaustion depression anxiety
country: unknown
other girls women
other women girls
rough bits lines
soul mates companions
total agreement
total total unity total agreement
unbreakable love bond connection closeness unity faithfulness commitment
Lord I ask you please remove absolutely all hard bits all evedg rough bits lumbs bumbs lines dark circles hollows undee my left eye right now by your power make them all dissappear right now please in jesus christ name please make daa a born again Christian my husband my husband now by your...
closeness commitment faithfulness
country: unknown
dark circles hollows
false gods idols rituals
hard bits
left eye
rough bits lumps bumps
total unity
unbreakable love bond connection unity
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve please lord remove absolutely all every hard bits rough bits lumbs bumbs lines marks scars dark circles hollows under my left etd rught now please lord make under my left eye brand new incredibly brabd new smooth now in every way in jesus christ name...
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please lord remove absolutely all every hard bits lumbs bumbs raised bits lines wrinkles dark circles hollows every skin issues please lord under my left eye whole skin fave neck now permanently make them all dissappear by your power rught now...
breast waist bum
country: unknown
false gods ridjuels
hard bits lumps bumps
left eye whole skin face neck
love bond closeness connection unity faithfulness
other women girls
stomach hips body
total unity agreement
Lord please please male daa a born again Christian through me my husband my husband now by your mighty power without any delay in jesus christ name please melt melt mightly incredibly absolutely every part of daa heart every single part of him to me towards me you jesus christ in every way right...
awesome blessing awesome light awesome incredible joy
blindness scales
country: unknown
daaeyesheartdaaheartdaa life
mighty power
stronger flourishes
total unity agreement
total unity total agreement
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please destroy sever absolutely all every soul ties daa has with mayjabeen in absolutely every way form permanently rught now with absolutely all any other girls women but me now permanently please lord in jesus christ name lord male...
country: unknown
deepest desires
deepest feelings emotions
other girls women
single part
soul ties
unbreakable love bond closeness connect
unity agreement faithfulness commitment devotion
Lord ypur words say ask and I will recieve I ask you lord please please make under my left eye completlh totally incredibly brand new smooth the exact same as the rubht right now without any delay please make my surgeon dr a do revision surgery aesomley perfectly successfully under my left eye...