Health of my teeth and dental flesh.
White shiny strong healthy whole regenerated teeth.
Dental miracles in my mouth whatever needs to be done.
No inflammations, irritations, swellings, cysts, abscesses of similar, amen.
No swellings or inflammations irritations or cysts abscess in my dental flesh.
Dental miracles in my mouth.
All i want and all i need.
The God of miracles.
Creative and recreative miracles and healing.
Everything that the devil has done in my mouth and teeth reversed in Jesus name.
No depression but joy .
All needs fullfilled including emotional needs.
No inflammations, swellings, cysts or similar in my body.
Relaxed and healthy body.
Praise the Lord My name is selladurai. Requesting to pray for my health. Last two weeks, I am not well because cysts developed in my kidney and blocked the urine passage. Due to financial issues, I am getting treatment in government hospital in coimbatore. Please pray without undergoing any...
Teeth strong white shiny healthy whole again.
Miracles in my mouth.
Everything whole beautiful fresh healthy in my mouth.
Dental flesh completely healthy.
No cysts, abscesses, swellings, inflammations etc...
Barren couples for 13yrs coz fibroid and cysts and ovaries, operated thrice, fallopian tubes are damaged, uterus dead, gap in between and ovaries filled with fluid with cysts and fibroid, swelling and painful periods..pkz pray for me
My teeth and dental flesh completely healthy.
My teeth white strong healthy beautiful perfectly aligned.
No carrhies, plaque, pain, irritation, swellings, cysts, abscesses, wounds in my mouth, teeth or dental flesh.
Reversing to a perfect health of my teeth and dental flesh.
No wounds from to...
Healthy strong beautiful white shiny whole teeth.
Healthy dental flesh.
No swellings, cysts, abscesses, carrhies, plaque etc in Jesus name.
No tooth decay.
Everything perfect and aligned in my mouth.
No swellings in my mouth or dental flesh, so that i will not bite my flesh when...
Luxurious dense voluminous strong thick healthy hair like it used to be year ago.
No falling off.
Reversing of grey hairs into my original color in Jesus name.
All my teeth whole shiny strong white beautiful.
No carrhies, plaque, swellings, cysts, abscesses etc...
New teeth growing where...
Excellent 20/20 vision.
Clear eyesight.
No cataract or glaucoma.
Health of teeth and dental flesh.
No cysts, abscesses, carrhies, plaque...
New miracle teeth wherever its safe or needed.
Miracolusly repaired teeth.
Hair voluminous luxuriant dense like it used to be year ago.
Dental flesh healed.
No cysts, abscesses, swellings.
Hair strong (not fragile), healthy (no falling off), voluminous, luxuriant (not thin).
Hair like it used to be year ago.
Lord, remove the cause of those problems (fear, menopause, minerals, vitamins, hormons, generational...
Dental flesh and surrounding tissues totaly healthy.
No cysts, swellings, abscesses.
Pray that i will keep all of my teeth.
Strong healthy white shiny perfectly aligned whole teeth.
New teeth growing where its safe and needed.
Healthy dental flesh.
No cysts, swellings, abscesses.
Extra efficiency today in my home obligations. (cleaning, washing, shopping, cooking, decluttering, organizing, repairing etc...)
Fast, quick, easy, effortless, effective, productive, quality work in my home.
My mind and hands blessed in...
Everything in my mouth healed.
No irritations, inflammations, swellings.
Everything in my dental flesh healed.
No cysts, swellings or tooth abscesses.
White shiny strong healthy teeth and dental flesh, amen.
Everything in my mouth detoxified, amen.
All dammage from stomach acid or other...