Very very very urgent no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage dissappoitments rejection critasism delay misery suffering sadness sorrow worry stress anxity deppression fear lack poverty misfortune in any way I decree and declare restoration restoration in every single way area part...
country: unknown
loneliness singleness
marriage disappointments rejection
poverty misfortune
single way area part
sorrow worry stress anxiety depression fear
Lord lord I ask you please please please grant me please please please all the deepest deepest desires of my heart big huge tiny or small please lord right now without any delay at all please no no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage dissappoitments rejection critasism delay...
country: unknown
deepest desires
loneliness singleness
marriage disappointments rejection
poverty misfortune
single way area part
worry stress anxiety depression
Very very urgent no no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage dissappoitments rejection critasism delay misery suffering sadness sorrow worry stress anxity deppression fear lack poverty misfortune in my life please lord I decree and declare restoration restoration restoration in...
country: unknown
loneliness singleness
marriage disappointments rejection
misery suffering sadness sorrow worry stress anxiety depression fear
poverty misfortune
single way area part
No no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage dissappoitments rejection critasism delay misery suffering sadness sorrow worry stress anxity deppression fear misfortune lack poverty in my life in any way in jesus christ name I decree and declare restoration restoration restoration in...
country: unknown
loneliness singleness lateness
marriage disappointments rejection
misfortune lack
name decree
single way area
sorrow worry stress anxiety depression
Very very urgent no no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage dissappoitments rejection critasism delay misery suffering sadness sorrow stress worry anxity lack poverty thin hair dark circles under my eyes skin problems asthma misfortune in my life I jesus christ name I decree and...
country: unknown
eyes skin problems asthma misfortune
hair dark circles
life name decree
loneliness singleness
marriage disappointments rejection
sadness sorrow stress worry anxiety
single way area
Very urgent please please all.pray I decree and declare no no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage dissappoitments rejection critasism delay misery suffering sadness sorrow deppression worry stress anxity lack poverty thin hair skin problems dark circles hollow under my eyes tears...
country: unknown
dark circles
depression worry stress anxiety
loneliness singleness lateness
marriage disappointments
name decree
poverty thin hair skin problems
single way area part
Very very urgent no no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage dissappoitments rejection delay critasism misery sadness sorrow anxity deppression misfortune lack poverty thin hair asthma symptoms of asthma no more dark circles hollow under my eyes no no more in jesus christ name I...
No no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage dissappoitments rejection critasism delay misery suffering sadness sorrow misfortune lack poverty thin hair itchy scalp asthma symptoms of asthma fat on ny stomach hips in jesus christ name I decree and declare restoration restoration I every...
No no no more dissappoitments no more delay no more rejection no more critasism no more worry anxity deppression no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage no more lack poverty In my life no more suffering no more misfortune in any way area in my life in jesus name I decree restoration...
Very very urgent no no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage dissappoitments rejection critasism suffering sadness sorrow misery lack poverty delay I'm my life please lord in jesus christ name I decree and declare restoration restoration in every single way area part of my life...
country: unknown
loneliness singleness
marriage disappointments rejection
name decree
sadness sorrow misery
single way area part
I feel I am not smart enough, not focused, not motivated to do my job. I feel I used to be a lot smarter. Please pray for me to deal with the stress and burnout and fear of criticism.
No no no more itchy scalp please lord no no more thin hair please lord no more asthma symptoms of asthma no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage no more dissappoitments rejection critasism delay broken missing teeth lack poverty in my life please lord in jesus christ name I decree...
No no no more critasism to me about me about my hair about my skin about my eyes teeth stomach health figure life fiances where I live please lord I ask you please please lord compliments are so so so important to me they build you up I ask you please please please bless me me with the most most...
awesome amazing incredibly beauty glory radiance shigina glory
awesome amazing incredibly compliments
country: unknown
health figure life finances
single part
single way
skin face makeup beauty appearance clothes life personality
I decree and declare in jesus christ name no no no more delay in any way area of my life no no more dissappoitments rejection critasism lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage misfortune lack poverty misery sadness sorrow anxity worry stress fear lack poverty in my life please lord I decree...
Very very very urgent no no no more delay in any way area of my life no no more dissappoitments rejection in any way form in any area of my life no no more critasism to me about me in any way area of my life no no mo more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage in my life no no mire sadness...
country: unknown
disappointment rejection
loneliness singleness lateness
name decree
single way area
sorrow misery anxiety worry depression
way form
Very very very urgent no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage dissappoitments rejection delay critasism misery misfortune lack poverty in my life please please lord I decree and declare restoration restoration in every single way area part of my life right now without any delay in...
country: unknown
loneliness singleness
marriage disappointments rejection
misery misfortune lack
single way area part
Hello everyone this is my Top 20 Goals for 2023 so you can all say a pray for me about the list and they are .....
1. Get a office job in the real world of the Baltimore county area this year so I have be economic independent living and have great career with computers in the office settings...
angry rage stress temper tantrums
baltimore county area
country: united states
covid 19 booster shots
economic independent living
fats oils sugar
great career
great social skills
mature adult
new year's
professional mature adult
social event
weight loss
Lord lord compliments are so so very important to me I am.askinng you please please please lord bless Me me please please with the most awsome most amazing incredibly awsome compliments I soo desire please lord in my hair fave beauty apperance make up flat tonned stomach figure clothes beauty...
No no no more critasism in any way form about Me to me about my health in any way about my hair in any way about my eyes under my eyes in any way about my face in any way about my make up teeth clothes beauty apperance life fiances where I live no no no more critasism about me please lord in any...
I ask you please please please lord no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage dissappoitments rejection critasism delay misery suffering sadness sorrow anxiety worry deppression lack poverty in my life please please lord I decree declare restoration restoration restoration please...