
  1. Anonymous

    The government will be on His shoulders. ...

    The government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace, Everlasting Father. Praise to our Lord the Almighty the King of creation. Praise Him for being our Help and Salvation. Our Savior. We exalt you and thank you for your unending...
  2. Des Denisse

    My Lord please bless my dog Penny ...

    My Lord please bless my dog Penny with health. Please continue to heal her. Please she is your creation. Please restore and remove all the weight she is carrying in her belly. My Lord please. She is really suffering and she is the most kind and loving happy dog. She has never done anything to...
  3. Syssalia

    For I am sure that neither death ...

    For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Lord shield me in all my ways. I trust in you...
  4. SongleaderPaulette

    Do not try to figure this thing out.

    Jesus is in His holy throne. He has a plan for all His creation. Fear not, keep believing, keep trusting His word. He will not leave us nor forsake us. Let God do His will in our life, in our world and in everything He has created. All we have to do is to pray and ask for mercy and...
  5. Kristiana

    Enter His gates with thanksgiving and praise...............I ...

    Enter His gates with thanksgiving and praise...............I praise You oh Lord, for Your Plans......... I praise You oh Lord, for Your will........... Thank You Oh God, for all of Your blessings............... Praise You and Thank You that You are a real God Whom devotes Himself to us, whole...
  6. Ymerdor

    I had the vocation for the ministry ...

    I had the vocation for the ministry of music for the salvation of God's creation.. I would like to study in a Christian school to better train myself but I do not have sufficient financial means.. Please pray with me so that God can open doors for me
  7. Diaphthasia

    O Jesus the don of Creation pray ...

    O Jesus the don of Creation pray for my father that is contesting for a paramount chief election..Dear lord we want all the best for our family
  8. Psychalaia

    Dear Father in Heaven, Please bless my ...

    Dear Father in Heaven, Please bless my cat and restore him to health. I know you have seen he is very lethargic and not eating. I know you know that I don’t have any money to take him to the veterinarian right now but I will not fret because I also know you are the greatest veterinarian of all...
  9. Crimonel

    Lord don't let yourself be put on ...

    Lord don't let yourself be put on an altar for me it doesn't matter that u have chosen certain men or made them for me they don't care for me or my kids even if they look identical to them your creation wasn't appreciated so don't worry ok Lord just forget it I love u my kids love u just stay in...
  10. Kawdur

    Please pray for my son, Harvey to ...

    Please pray for my son, Harvey to be set free from fear, anxiety, an depression. For him to have sweet, sound sleep. For God’s white light protection around him tonight an our home. To wake up refreshed an see God’s beauty in creation.
  11. Valrise

    Prayer for travelers

    O God, our heavenly Father whose Glory fills the whole creation and presence we find wherever we go: preserve those who travel; surround them with your loving care; protect them from every danger; and bring them in safety to their journeys end; through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen.
  12. Valrise

    Romans 8:19-21

    For creation awaits with eager expectation for revelation of the children of God; for creation was made subject to futility, not of its own accord but because of the one who subjected it, in Hope that creation itself would be set free from slavery to corruption and share in the glorious freedom...
  13. Ysyne

    Father in the Name Of Jesus Christ ...

    Father in the Name Of Jesus Christ Blessed be your Holy Name Thanks for who You are and all you do Nothing is difficult for you.. I Adore you Lord God Of all Creation Who is like unto thee The Lord 🙌🏽 The Lord God Almighty Faithful and Just, Righteous and True Mighty on His Throne and On His...
  14. Vendhus

    Can you please pray that the creation ...

    Can you please pray that the creation of crowd-funding page finishes well for the Bible Translation Ministry ? I heavily researched the platform, worked hard to create media and now there are some minor details like this platform's bank account field that don't seem to function.
  15. WingsofaDove

    Praise the Lord! Today I made a ...

    Praise the Lord! Today I made a bouquet of hydrangea and roses. It is as nice as in the florist. Thank you Father for the beautiful country, birds, flowers and creation. In Jesus name Amen
  16. Keshdul

    Dear Lord i know i am your ...

    Dear Lord i know i am your creation and when i am in trouble and seek help i shall always turn to you . I am in need of my functional manhood my Lord as i am week please help me Lord
  17. Surnun

    Thank you heavenly for the blessings big ...

    Thank you heavenly for the blessings big & small.Thank you for the creation around us,thank you for the family & friends & most of all thank you for the breath of life. Lord we are sinners & we've sinned but we ask for forgiveness.pls forgive us from our sins seen & unseen.Lord I commit all my...
  18. Mydtya

    Deliverance-God it’s not you will that any ...

    Deliverance-God it’s not you will that any should perish but for all to come to repentance, so please Please for Your Glory bring true repentance into Ervin C Jackson. Satan distorted his brain development in his childhood, but Jesus, Healer, heal and restore YOUR creation and purposes in his...
  19. Blessings1964

    A Prayer for Discernment - From

    Father God, We thank You for this day. Father, You are the same today as You were yesterday, and as You are tomorrow. Since the beginning of mankind, You sought to have a relationship with Your creation, to instruct us in the way that we ought to go. Father, today we pray for discernment. We...
  20. Imonfalcel

    I pray that the Lord rid the ...

    I pray that the Lord rid the whole earth of this Corona virus so we, His creation, may live and have dominion over all creation. This I ask in the name of Christ our Lord.
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