
  1. Numilal

    Holy Spirit please continue to cover my ...

    Holy Spirit please continue to cover my family with the Blood of Jesus Christ and surround us with the Blood of Jesus Christ and protect us Bettie, Cheryl, Benetha, Tracey, Mikey, Harmony, Chris, J’Nae, Kennedi, Paula, Shawana and kids, Sherricka and family, Dmarkus, Christian, John, Jeremiah...
  2. Anonymous

    Hedge of protection

    Please pray for me. One of my coworkers has a long history of picking someone and trying to destroy them with malicious gossip, all kinds of tactics. Well I am in her crosshairs. She has been laying the foundation with gossip against me.. freezing me out and now are my coworkers. I have not had...
  3. Anonymous

    Grace on Job, Finances and Work Relationships

    I ask for God’s blessing and favor on my job and relationships with coworkers
  4. Numilal

    Thank you Holy Spirit please cover my ...

    Thank you Holy Spirit please cover my family with the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ and surround us with Your Holy Warrior Angels and protect us Bettie,Cheryl, Benetha, Tracey, Mikey,Harmony,Chris, J’NAE, Kennedi, aunts, uncles, cousins, Paula, Shawana and family, Sherricka and family. Kima...
  5. Powers

    God, free B, my son, of work ...

    God, free B, my son, of work issues. Holy Spirit, bring B guidance & knowledge ..rain down on all coworkers involved. Jesus, bring training, support, manpower, cooperation & reasonable demands. Thank You, IJNA
  6. Powers

    For B, my son requesting prayer...

    God, free son B of work stress. Holy Spirit, bring B guidance & knowledge ..rain down on all coworkers involved. Jesus, bring training, support, manpower, cooperation & reasonable demands. Thank You, IJNA
  7. Powers

    My son asks prayer

    God, free B of work stress. Holy Spirit, bring B guidance & knowledge ..rain down on all coworkers involved. Jesus, bring good training, enough support, added workers, communication, cooperation & reasonable work hours & demands. Thank You, IJNA
  8. Powers

    Son B is requesting prayer... Pls

    God, free B of work stress. Holy Spirit, bring B guidance & knowledge ..rain down on all coworkers involved. Jesus, bring good training, enough support, added workers, communication, cooperation & reasonable work hours & demands. Thank You, IJNA
  9. Powers

    My son B requests prayer ... please

    God, free B of work stress. Holy Spirit, bring B guidance & knowledge ..rain down on all coworkers involved. Jesus, bring good training, enough support, added workers, communication, cooperation & reasonable work hours & demands. Thank You, IJNA
  10. Powers

    Driving protection + For B's Work relief

    Father, protect me & my loved ones driving slick roads. For B ~ Relieve B & coworkers of work stress. Give them the skills, management cooperation & support. Thank You, IJNA
  11. Lannerroir

    Peace and Healing

    Please continue to lift up Vicky and overall peace with coworkers, its been a horrible battle, pray God will shift and move people an open the door to work at home.. put a great peace and healing with all coworkers an Vicky . Please pray for Tonya struggling with addictions, homelessness, lift...
  12. Oglonian

    Divine protection for Chad and his coworkers ...

    Divine protection for Chad and his coworkers will be traveling, their vehicles, their families and home. The Angels of the Lord encamp around all the saints and our bloodline and extended family bloodline. Our enemies shall not succeed against us. Amen ❤️
  13. Anonymous

    God’s Presence to assist me

    I ask for help learning my job. Help me assist many people add new services, bless my coworkers and give my workplace God’s presence. Thank you
  14. Numilal

    Holy Spirit please continue to cover my ...

    Holy Spirit please continue to cover my family with the Blood of Jesus Christ and surround us with Your Holy Warrior Angels Bettie, Cheryl, Benetha, Tracey, Mikey, Harmony, Chris, J’Nae, Kennedi, Paula, Shawana and family, Sadie, Sherricka and family, Dmarkus, Christian, John, Jeremiah aunts...
  15. Double J

    God our Father to work at my work!

    Good morning- please pray for God to build the house and watch over the city. Dear heavenly Father, please work so that my coworkers and I do not toil in vain. O merciful God, let it be done according to Your will, and work in my soul to shine in this generation. May God cause the work we do be...
  16. Lannerroir

    Work at home/Financial help

    Needing prayer to work at home and complete peace and longterm peace an healing with coworkers. Please pray for Vicky to work from home, financial freedom, peace with all relationships and coworkers. In Jesus Name ! Thank you !
  17. Anonymous

    Blessing on coworkers

    God I ask every blessing in my coworkers. Bless them with salvation and for helping me and let us love one another IjN
  18. AngelCali

    Prayers that I do well in my ...

    Prayers that I do well in my new position. I will do my first patient assessment starting this Friday and next week. For my other co-workers to be accepting of me and helpful. None of the passive aggressive issues I had with my old co-worker. God Bless Everyone. In Jesus Name I Pray, AMEN.
  19. mrc8122

    Please pray for me to have a ...

    Please pray for me to have a great night at work tonight in Jesus name time flys its extremely peaceful and that i get along with my coworkers in Jesus name let me make good relief in the am and help me in my Christian walk wife too
  20. mrc8122

    Please pray for me to have a ...

    Please pray for me to have a really good peaceful night at work let the time fly by peace with coworkers in Jesus name and favor for me as well bless something good to happy for Taffy too
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