Please please pray for my General Manager/CEO of the company I work for. He has created a hostile work environment. Most of us are not in a position to leave the Company and we can’t go over his head b/c there is no one. So my prayer is that God will soften his heart. He must be going through...
I can’t pay my rent or bills. I’m unable to work because I am being mistreated at my workplace by managers and coworkers for over 5 years. Cannot complete my job assignments due to bullying . They overload me and another colleague on purpose because we reported their behavior and it escalated...
I am asking everyone to pray for me to be a blessing to all my unsaved family members, to all my coworkers and friends. I want to live a life that pleases the Lord and be a light that shines before them so they too will find a way to enter heaven. Pray for all my nieces and nephews for salvation...
Not sure who to ask about employment. Been at current job so long and however was falsely accused of not doing my assigned tasks and rumors spread that I’m not a good worker. Being mobbed and harassed by both bosses and coworkers who want me to quit. This is causing much stress Reputation has...
Lord thank you for the blessings you give me. Prayers to keep my family and coworkers away from COVID. Prayers everyone stays healthy. In his Holy name I pray, Amen.
Prayers for everyone who needs a job, may they be led to a workplace with decent pay, management and coworkers who offer constructive criticism. And for those who do not feel appreciatedand are mistreated, may the Lord turn their situation around. Healing for all who need it and for the lovely...
Please pray for me and my new job. I made some mistakes being a new one, plus I get rattled with coworkers who belittle me and say negative things behind my back. I was excited about getting this job because I wanted to prepare myself for working in healthcare. Now, I felt demoralized, like I...
Our company has continued operations in one of the cities where we work, as a result close to 1000 people have lost their jobs. Please pray for me and my coworkers and the families so that we find a way
I am requesting prayers for all my coworkers and family friends will get right with God and be saved be on their way to heaven. I want to see all of them in glory when I depart planet earth. Jesus said. Come to Me and I will give you rest. Pray that I will not worry who will get saved and who...
Unto You o Lord we lift our voice in praise. For You alone are glorios and worthy of glory. Please hear our prayers and send blessings, help and mercy. Dear Lord, make me a blessing this coming week to all my friends and coworkers. Most of them are not saved so, please, save them all we pray. Amen
Lord help me write this email due to be sent out this Friday. Help me find the words to express what is needed in a simple way and that everyone understands the instructions. Make tomorrow a truly fun day with no stress as I see my coworkers. I give my worries to you Lord as I know you have...
Dear heavenly Father, bless us today, protect us on the road. Save those souls who drive drunk or are speeders. Help us to live for Jesus and share the Good News with all coworkers and friends. In Jesus name. Amen
Pray for a blessed day for my daughter, myself, my friends and family, my patients, my coworkers, my workplace and all of those who pray for us here. Bless us all with kindness, love, patience, peace, calm, happiness, safety and grace. Guide us and be with us all through the day. Protect us from...
Dear God, make us all a blessing this coming week. Everything we have learned in church this morning we will apply to our own life and share with all our coworkers, friends, the boss and all our relatives and friend. Then we will sing praises to the Lord for His name is great and greatly to be...
Please bless my daughter, myself, my home, my workplace, my patients and my coworkers with kindness, peace, love, grace, safety, happiness and feeling all of the above ❤️ Please, let us feel You with us all day and all night - hold us ny the hand and guide us on Your path ❤️ Protect us from all...