My husband needs a list of items about a machine he runs at work signed off by a coworker stating he knows the items. His coworker is hard to get along with. Please pray his coworker signs the items. Please pray his heart softens and he sees the good in other workers. Please pray he realizes...
May my narcissistic boss and coworker stay away from me. May my boss's boss realized all the bad treatments my boss does and all the times she steals money from us and the company a long with how she tries to put us down along with my coworkers help....
Pray that I wont get mandated and wont get asked to work overtime as I am feeling very weary. Also pray for my health issue to be resolved. Pray for a comfortable working environment with no anxiety as I have a coworker that gives me a difficult time. Pray for great respect for one another Amen
Pray for a comfortable working environment as I have a coworker that is giving me a difficult time. Pray for great respect for one another and for anxiety to go away Also pray for my health issue to be resolved Amen
Please pray that my husband Russell’s heart opens up to me and we can rekindle our love and relationship and reconcile our marriage. Also that the coworker and him stop talking. Thank you. In Jesus great name Amen.
Pray that my schedule at work wont get changed and that I wont get mandated to work overtime. Also pray for a comfortable working environment as I have a coworker that gives me a difficult time kindly pray for respect for one another. Also pray for my health issue to be resolved quickly Amen
Pray that I wont be mandated and wont be asked to work overtime as I am feeling very weary. Also pray for my health issue to be resolved. Also pray for a comfortable working environment as I have a coworker that sometimes gives me a difficult time. Kindly pray for this situation and for a...
Pray for a comfortable environment with great respect for one another. I have a coworker that sometimes gives me a difficult time. Kindly pray for this situation. Also pray for health issue to be resolved Amen
Pray for a comfortable working environment with great respect for one another as I have a coworker that gives me a difficult time. Pray for anxiety to go away. Pray that my schedule at work wont change. Also pray that I wont get mandated or get asked to work overtime as I am feeling very weary...
Please pray that my husband‘s heart opens back up to me so that we can reconnect and rebuild our marriage rebuke divorce so it is not an option for it is not an option for me only him pray that he stop talking to the coworker and turns to me again in Jesus name I pray
I have a coworker that gives me a difficult time. Kindly pray for this situation and for anxiety to go away and also for a comfortable working environment with respect for one another. Pray that I wont be mandated or asked to work overtime as I am feeling very weary. Also pray for my health...
I have a coworker that gives me a difficult time from to time. Kindly pray for this situation and for respect for one another. Also pray for a comfortable working environment and for anxiety to go away. Also pray for health issue to be resolved Amen
Pray for a comfortable working environment as I have a coworker that sometimes gives me a hard time. Pray for a comfortable working environment with respect for one another. Also pray that I wont get mandated to work overtime as I am feeling very weary. Also pray for my health issue to be...
That I wont be mandated or asked to work overtime as I am feeling very weary. Also pray for me because my coworker gives me a difficult time at times. Also pray for my health issue to be resolved. Amen
Jesus please let my son's teacher write back and fix his grade because he turned in the assignment and yet he won't grade it and now he has a zero in the class. Please also help my husband's coworker he was beaten up badly in a carjacking and he is already disabled. Who does that to someone...
Pray that I wont be mandated or asked to work overtime as I am feeling very weary. Also pray about my coworker giving me a difficult time. Also pray for my health issue to be resolved. Amen
For a comfortable working environment and also for my coworker to respect me as he sometimes gives me a difficult time. Also pray for anxiety to go away. Pray that I wont be asked or mandated to work overtime as I am feeling very weary. Pray for my health condition to be resolved Amen
For my coworker to stop acting like if she was the boss over others during others shifts just because she is off. She is not the boss and she should just go home and mind her business.
Please pray for my boss's perception of me and my coworker. She thinks we don't have self identity or anything because we are quiet and that if you speak loud it means confidence when in reality that has nothing to do with it. You can be introverted and have self love and be extroverted and have...